Student Who Taped Radical Leftist Teacher Was Suspended, Has to Apologize


A Southern California college student has been suspended for recording his professor’s anti-Trump rant. She called Trump’s victory an “act of terrorism”. The radical teachers must be allowed to operate in some secrecy and the left will protect their somewhat closeted radicalization of students.

According to a copy of the suspension letter posted by Campus Reform, the student was given a double whammy and must also apologise to the professor, submitting a double-spaced essay about “why you decided to share the video” and “the ensuing damage to Orange Coast College students, faculty and staff.”

The teacher claimed she received death threats.

No one’s explaining why the radical Professor Olga Cox isn’t being suspended.

The essay is due by the end of the month. The suspension will last all semester, though 19-year-old Caleb O’Neil will appeal.

According to the video, after the Nov. 8 election, Cox spoke to her class about Trump and now-Vice President Mike Pence, saying, “Our nation is divided. We have been assaulted. It’s an act of terrorism.”

“One of the most frightening things for me, and most people in my life, is that the people committing the assault are among us,” she said. “It is not some stranger from some other country coming in and attacking our sense of what it means to be an American and the things that we stand for.”

Cox, who is gay, referred to Trump as a “white supremacist” and to Pence as “one of the most anti-gay humans in this country.”

In the notice of appeal letter, O’Neil, a registered Republican, details his account of what happened in the class on Nov. 15: “She … went into how terrible the election was and how our nation had just been attacked. After two minutes of this, I pulled my phone out and started recording because I was terrified that my grade would drop to a B because I had missed the last Tuesday class for the election. … She then said that we are back to being in a civil war. I felt as if all the eyes in the room were on me because in the past I have worn Trump gear and my signed Trump hat that I had gotten at the Anaheim rally.”

He noted that he had three Trump stickers on the back of his car and said he “was terrified about going to my car and having some crazed student come after me.”

The Orange Coast College freshman said Wednesday that he will file a lawsuit in federal court if his appeal is rejected.

“We think this is a clear example of unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination that targets conservatives and we’re going to challenge it,” O’Neil’s attorney, Bill Becker, said at a news conference in Costa Mesa, according to CBS Los Angeles.

Becker told the Orange County Register that the suspension “is an attack by leftists in academia to protect the expressive rights of their radical instructors.”

Greg Gutfeld responded:

There are a lot of fascists running loose these days.

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