Students are taught to hate the USA, our holidays, and all we stand for. It’s the sorry state of affairs today. Sadly, the students who were interviewed for the clip below attend a small Christian school in Minnesota.
College Fix asked them if we should celebrate Thanksgiving, the beautiful holiday where Americans give thanks for all our blessings in this great country.
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The first girl interviewed said the holiday celebrates “genocide” and it’s just more “capitalist bullsh*t.”
The next student said he was “leaning towards no” because of the “historical context,” the awful oppression of Indigenous people.”
Another said it was “an unethical holiday.” One said Christmas and Easter are worse than Thanksgiving.
Most don’t think we should celebrate the “violent oppressiveness,” but a couple said if we have the right values, it’s okay.
The education they receive is from the perspective of the white colonists, a student said. They were all taught Thanksgiving was not ethical and a lot of our holidays are about oppression.
Our conclusion is students are being taught to hate America, our traditions, and all that made us great. They are all victims of Marxist teachers, it seems.