Terror-Free! Poland’s Unyielding Stand Against the EU, Post-Communism


Poland and Hungary are the most restrictive in terms of immigration, they also are least likely to suffer radical Islamic terror attacks. But, do you think they go too far?

Contrary to what the globalists will tell you, nationalism is a good thing. We mustn’t lose our identity to the globalists, the Neo-Communists. Poland has already been forced to live under communism and they don’t want to do it again. Radical Islamists are the same kind of statists as Communists except they use their god as an excuse.

We can’t blame the Islamists from fleeing their homelands after Barack Obama reorganized the Middle East with his feckless policies. Most Muslims are good people, but hundreds of millions want to conquer the West and install radical Islam. They have infiltrated the refugee population.

The Polish won’t accept Sharia, religious hate, terrorism and European directives.

Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło reinforced her opposition to taking in migrants in a speech to parliament days after Manchester. Poland has a strict immigration policy and is very proud of their national heritage. They don’t want to lose it. The EU on the other hand has no regard for national sovereignty.

The European Union has called on Poland to accept more than 6,000 asylum seekers or face economic sanctions. Citing security concerns, Szydlo said Poland “will not participate in the Brussels elites’ folly.”

Szydlo has also drawn a direct link between terrorism and the EU’s migration policy, claiming that “it is impossible not to connect them.”

Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak considers the threat of migrants “much worse” than the threat of EU sanctions and has said that such waves of mass migration only harm the “security of Poland and the Poles.”

Hungary is also protecting their heritage.

Hungarian Prime Minster Viktor Orban has called migrants “a poison” and believes that “every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk.”

Orban recently slammed the EU in a speech in Malta, warning that Europe’s “Christian identity” is threatened by runaway immigration.

“Migration turned out to be the Trojan horse of terrorism,” he said.

George Soros is pouring USAID money to hard-left causes in Hungary, trying to turn them to communism.

If you look at the map, you will see green Poland has little risk of terrorism. Hungary has a low threat as well. Countries where the terror threat is low include Iceland, Bolivia, Ecuador, Poland, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Hungary, Vietnam and Japan. Japan lets no Islamists into their country.

The Czech Republic has just joined Hungary and Poland in refusing refugees.

The other have taken very few for various reasons.

Poland and Hungary just don’t have Islamic terror attacks, nor does Japan. The EU says on the other hand that though Poland has not had Islamic attacks, Poland has extreme right terrorists, offering little evidence. They really don’t have terror of any kind.

In the wake of what they call the Islamist invasion, in November, 2015, Poland marched for Christianity without one report from MSM despite it being the biggest march in Poland’s history. This is a very powerful video.

The telegraph reports that more than 45 countries around the world are “very likely” to have terror attacks, according to the Foreign Office.

They include Germany, whose capital witnessed a deadly attack at a Christmas market in December, as well as France, Turkey and Belgium. The Paris terror attacks in November 2015 saw 130 killed, while in July last year 84 people died when a truck was driven through a crowd of people on the promenade in Nice.

The UK has now been added to the list.

The top terror threat level is also given to Egypt, where a Russian aircraft was bombed in 2015, Tunisia, where 30 Britons were killed in a massacre during the same year, Indonesia, Russia, Myanmar, Kenya, the Philippines, Colombia, Thailand and Australia.

The inclusion of much of the Middle East, including Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Afghanistan, will come as no surprise.

Last year the terror threat level increased in 12 countries: Qatar, Kuwait, Tanzania, Senegal, Ghana, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Oman, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Mozambique, and did not fall in a single destination.

So far this year it has increased in five countries: Kosovo, Mauritius, Singapore, the United States and Zambia, but has fallen in Ethiopia, Greece and Ireland.

The U.S. is ripe for infiltration and terror.

Secretary Kelly has clearly stated that ISIS is using the refugee population as a Trojan horse.

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