The Furies in Congress


by Linda Goudsmit

In ancient Greek mythology, the Furies are the three goddesses of Vengeance, Jealousy, and Anger. They are the daughters of Mother Earth Gaia and her son Father Sky Uranus. The Furies are infamous for taking vengeance on men and punishing all crimes including breaking the rules of society by striking the offenders with madness.

The Furies in ancient mythology dispensed vigilante justice and were the “guardians of the law when the state had not yet intervened or did not exist, or when the crime was a crime of ethics and not actual law.” Here is the problem – we don’t live in ancient Greece and we are not characters in a mythological story. We live in the United States of America, the greatest experiment in liberty and individual freedom the world has ever known.

For 242 years our Constitution has been the supreme law of the land that provides the national frame of government and rules of society to guide American life. Our Founding Fathers envisioned ordered liberty based on individualism, personal responsibility, and the meritocracy. Their economic principles included property rights, free markets, and sound money.

In the last several decades the radical left has engaged in a culture war against the United States that seeks to undermine the Constitution and replace it with a “living document” that would support collectivism aka socialism.

The Furies in Congress Cortez, Tlaib, and Omar are the spawn of the radical leftist narrative that embraces liberalism’s dogmatic tenets of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism. These three women were elected by a segment of the American electorate who embrace radical leftism’s orthodoxy.

The new secular religion Leftism embraces the antisemitism of Islamic sharia law, the Marxist hatred of American capitalism, and the misandry (hatred of men) of the ancient Greek Furies. The Leftists in Washington have common cause to collapse America’s representative republic but what are they offering to replace it? This is where the Leftist alliance collapses.

The Furies are divided!

The secular radical leftists want to replace our Constitution with socialism. The sharia compliant Muslims want to replace our Constitution with religious sharia law.

If Cortez, Tlaib, and Omar, the anti-American Furies who represent the leftist Democrat party, successfully implement their anti-American, pro-socialist, antisemitic, pro-Muslim policies what will happen in the future? There is no place for non-Muslim socialists in supremacist Islamic sharia law. The multiculturalism of the Left is pure fiction – the left is a house divided.

The Leftists and the Islamists are too arrogant to recognize that the globalist elites are pulling their strings and using the Furies and their foolish supporters to create the social chaos necessary to make America ungovernable and to overthrow President Trump.

For globalists, socialism is not the endgame – it is a stepping stone toward one world government. Socialism is the necessary transitional infrastructure required to impose an internationalized new world order that the globalist elite intend to rule under the auspices of the corrupt United Nations.

The ancient Greeks understood madness and so do the globalist elites who are doubling down and coordinating their efforts to drive the public toward madness by indoctrinating them to accept the fiction that collectivism will provide the social justice and income equality they promise.

Only a child or someone completely out of touch with objective reality could continue to believe the disingenuous claims that socialism provides income equality. A rational adult looks at the disaster that is Venezuela.

Only a child or someone completely out of touch with objective reality could continue to believe that sharia law provides social justice. A rational adult looks at the totalitarian regimes that rule Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The Furies in Congress symbolize the effectiveness of the Leftist culture war on America. They are the goddesses of Vengeance, Jealousy, and Anger that provide the foundation for the collectivism that robs the public of its wealth, ordered liberty, and its Constitutional freedoms.

Socialism is secular collectivism where the government rejects the meritocracy and has the power to rob some citizens and reward others at will. Islamism is religious totalitarianism – both are a return to feudalism where the government has complete power over its enslaved serfs.

The radical Left was seriously emboldened by Obama’s two terms in office. His personal assault on the Constitution continues with his seditious resistance movement, the emboldened Furies in Congress, and their aging swamp leader Nancy Pelosi.

In a shocking display of female servitude during President Trump’s State of the Union address the white-clad Stepford wives of Nancy Pelosi rose up when she lifted her fingers and sat down when she lowered them.

Is this what Women’s Lib has become?? Women zombies who do the bidding of a woman instead of a man?? It was a disgusting demonstration by women who apparently have lost all sense of humanity and do not recognize that late-term abortion especially during or after birth is MURDER!!

The leftist Dems have redefined infanticide just as they have redefined honor killings – they deny that both are murder. There is no honor in murdering infants or in murdering women who disobey men. Why would any woman in America see these pathetic lackeys as role models??

It is absolute insanity for Americans to relinquish the extraordinary freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution in exchange for the empty promises of Leftism. Free stuff is never free and freedom is not a part of supremacist Islamic sharia law. Equality rejects being a master and being a slave equally.

Equality rejects the madness of the Furies and their Congressional offerings of socialism and sharia law. Equality rejects the vigilante justice offered by radical leftist social justice warriors and sharia police.

Equality demands that America’s silent majority no longer remain silent. The majority of Americans who embrace ordered liberty and the freedoms of our Constitution must protect and defend it so that America never becomes a socialist country or an Islamic republic.

Let freedom continue to ring!

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