The Mooch Says Judge Jeanine Returns to Fox on Saturday

I turned on Fox & Friends this morning just in time for the host to say Donna Brazile was appearing in the next segment to talk about the Mueller report so I turned it off. Later I put Dana Perino on and there was Preet Bharara so I turned it off. Later I put on The Five but then Juan started blabbering. It’s just not watchable with Juan. So far, Tucker, Hannity, and Laura survive, and it also appears Jeanine Pirro has survived her suspension.

Fox News has not posted their TV schedule for Saturday, and that’s unusual, but The Mooch says she will return Saturday at 9 p.m.

Bill O’Reilly said he doesn’t have inside information, but it is possible Fox News is getting rid of the hard-right news and opinion offered by commentators like Judge Jeanine. If that’s true, she will be muzzled.

Will we start seeing Brazile, Juan, and Bharara on her show and never hear the name Ilhan again?

There are things Bill says that aren’t accurate, however.

O’Reilly didn’t have any problem with the questions Jeanine asked about anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar and believes she was only doing what she is paid to do.

This past week, the lawsuit was dismissed by then-Black Lives Matter pot stirrer DeRay McKesson against Judge Jeanine. He had a snarky reaction but Jeanine won and he lost.

It looks like a good week for the Judge if The Mooch is right.

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