Tens of Thousands in NYC Protest for Open Borders, Unfettered Muslim Immigration


Apparently it’s fascist to not have open borders and to vet Muslim refugees during a global jihad. Who knew? New York City, my lifelong home, is Socialist you know. In fact, the entire state is, unfortunately. Like California, it’s not coming back. The reason it’s mentioned here is because tens of thousands took to the streets in an emergency protest Wednesday night to demand open borders and unfettered Muslim immigration.

They are also protesting everything Trump is doing including the pipelines.

Notice the protesters in these photos all have the pre-printed “NO” signs?

Crazy communist city council president, Melissa Mark-Viverito, blasted the closing of the borders as draconian and anti-immigrant. She should say anti-illegal immigration to be accurate but the leftists conflate the two. She said the real culprit is GUNS!

“It’s very hard to contain myself after hearing and seeing what I just witnessed,” Mark-Viverito began.

“If there was every any doubt in anyone’s mind whether Trump’s bigoted, hateful, divisive rhetoric truly reflected his intentions, we’ve seen that on display right now,” she continued, visibly angry as she stood at the press room lectern.

She will not allow illegal alien criminal families to be torn apart. She said she’s not defending criminals but she is! Read about her on this link

James O’Keefe, CEO for Project Veritas, ran an undercover operation exposing the umbrella group for these no fascist USA groups, DisruptJ20.

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