Thousands Sign Petition to Bring White South African Farmers to the U.S. Over Genocide


More than 12,000 have signed a petition asking President Trump to allow white farmers in South Africa to emigrate to the United States. Many are being tortured, raped and murdered. Additionally, all their farms will be seized without compensation by the Communist African National Congress, the ruling party.

While the land seizure hasn’t been approved, it will be written into the Constitution soon. They will force all whites off their land and there will be more torture, rapes, and murders. The government is very evil.

The online petition calls on Trump to “take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States.” Boer is the term used to describe South Africans of Dutch, German or Huguenot descent, who are also commonly referred to as Afrikaners.

The petition suggests that Trump should stop admitting refugees from Somalia and the Middle East, claiming they “cannot be properly vetted,” and allow white South Africans into the country instead.

A similar petition, calling on European Union President Jean-Claude Juncker, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and British Prime Minister Theresa May to allow white South Africans into EU countries, has gained nearly 17,000 signatures.


The human rights abuses began when Socialist, Nelson Mandela died. The African National Congress took over and they are evil.

The President sings, “Shoot the Boer” at national events and the anti-white hate is constant and it’s vile. There is a lot of ignorance as well as hate. They seem to think raping little white children cures AIDs.

In 2012, Hillary visited, praised the government, the African National Congress, and offered them billions of dollars in aid.

Only 10% of the country remains white and there are 40,000 white farmers, 3,000 white farmers have been murdered since 1994. A total of tens of thousands have been reported horrifically tortured and murdered. The white population has gone from 5.1 million to 4.2 million.

According to Genocide Watch, a 2012 outbreak of violent farm invasions led to casualties among white South Africans. The farm invasions are direct results of calls by Julius Malema and his Deputy, Ronald Lamola for whites to give up their land without compensation, or face violence by angry black youths “flooding their farms.”

The oppressors are communists and Hillary and Obama really liked them.

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