Threatening Mob That Menaced Pam Bondi Got $500K from Soros


On June 23, 2018, far-left agitators harassed Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi at a movie theater.

Three very large men in the group screamed in her face and one spit on her head. AG Bondi left as they continued yelling at her, following her to her car.

The hecklers were with the Florida Public Services Union in St. Peet, according to one reporter at the time.

The small threatening mob screamed about immigration and healthcare.


The Daily Caller’s Peter Hassan found that the incident was planned by Organize Florida which received $500,000 last year from the Open Society Policy Center (OSPC), according to OSPC’s most recent tax forms.

OSPC is the advocacy arm of Soros’s Open Society Foundations, which the billionaire uses to advance his left-wing worldview around the globe.

OSPC awarded the grant to Organize Florida to “support policy advocacy,” according to the group’s tax forms.

This group also targets women’s health centers that don’t perform abortions.

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