Tony Shaffer: The FBI Took the Russian Criminals Side in the U.S. Uranium Deal


The FBI allowed Russians to interfere in our economy and to gain access to U.S. uranium. As Lou Dobbs explained in an interview with Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, it’s “a blockbuster” and it’s “stunning”.

The FBI shut the investigation down for four years while the Clinton State Department allowed these deals to go through.

Tony Shaffer told Dobbs, “The Obama administration should have been treated like a crime scene across the board.” They put their people in place and if Hillary Clinton had been elected, we wouldn’t have known any of these.

“Now we’re learning the FBI was not only not honest, they took the other [criminal] side,” he continued. “And two things about this are notable. I think the FBI’s corruption started under the Bill Clinton administration. They had a twenty year plan, he, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton to, I think, put their people in place.”

“Lois Lerner being an example,” he says, “where you place your people and they become part of the pyramid of bureaucracy. McCabe, Andrew McCabe, became one of those individuals, one way or another.”

“The second factor is that they always accuse their opposition of what they’re doing. And that’s why I think you’ve seen, Lou, such a vigorous attempt by them to smear President Trump with the Russian issue. It’s all them.”

Dobbs brought up the Peter Schweizer exposé of the uranium deal in his book, Clinton Cash. “It was pushed aside,” he said, “denied by top FBI officials, publicly just simply ignoring it. The Obama administration not being held to account. James Comey, the Director of the FBI, putting forward a document exonerating Hillary Clinton before he’d even conducted an interview.”

“This is a level of corruption that screams for a special counsel for investigations by Congress,” he said, “and what has everyone done? They’re looking to Russia for the collusion that existed from a year after ‘president’ Obama took office in 2010. This is madness and the American people are being poorly served by both the national left-wing media and their government.”

Shaffer added, “As bad as the server issue was, the Clinton Foundation issue is five orders of magnitude worse. This is pay to play and in this case, Lou, we’re talking about, as you mentioned, uranium. Strategic materials which goes to the very heart of our ability to generate nuclear material, nuclear weapons, or suppress others from getting them.”

Dobbs asked why the FBI and then-President Obama allowed the DNC to refuse access to their servers if the Russians were cyber-attacking them.

Shaffer talked about the Deep State. They both wonder what Jeff Sessions is going to do.

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