Trump Accuser E. Jean Carroll Says She Sexually Harassed Roger Ailes


E. Jean Carroll is the Elle advice columnist who claims Trump had a ‘fight’ with her in a Bergdorf dressing room in the ’90s. If you are confused, it’s because you don’t know that she refers to rape as a ‘fight.’ At various times, she has referred to the event as “exciting,” “charming,” and “playful.”

Most interesting is that there is a 2011 SVU episode that describes an incident exactly like her ‘fight.’ She once worked for NBC’s cable channel.

In addition to the Trump event, she claims Les Moonves pawed her. He denies it. In an interview with Vanity Fair, she talked about how her husband choked her and the fun time she had flashing her professor while wearing a little bikini under a trench coat. She “laughed” her “ass off about that.”

She once asked Lyle Lovett about the size of his penis.

Most interesting was her claim that she harassed Roger Ailes, once her friend, now a character in her book about “hideous men.”

About Ailes, she told the interviewer at Vanity Fair, “Oh, I did it. Every day I had a chance. I call him the pearl of his sex. Right on the air. I roll up my trouser legs. I would wait for the camera to come over. Then I would slowly pull up the right and then the left trouser leg. It would say Roger Ailes. I would say, “He’s my future husband.” It never stopped. I’d ask him to twirl for me. I adored him.”

Oh my.

Why does the crazy left insist on throwing these wacky women at us? They’ve weaponized “MeToo” and probably always intended to do that.

By the way,  she’s a big Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren fan.

Watch this montage of this “serious woman’s” claims. She sounds like she’s perpetually drunk:

The world of the rich and famous, our superiors, the elite who want to tell us what to do is not intriguing at all.

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