Trump called a traitor for telling Russians of raid but not Dems


Corporate media outlets and Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi and even Adam Schiff, were triggered over the weekend for not being told about the military operation that ended in the death of Bakr al-Baghdadi and some of his top lieutenants.

The headlines of the Democrat newspapers read, Democrat leaders weren’t told of the raid on the Baghdadi compound, but Russians were.

Twitter Democrats are calling the President a ‘traitor‘ over his decision, over, and over.

We know why it went down that way and so do most people with working intelligence. We didn’t want Russians to blow our planes out of the sky and Democrats leak.

Democrats are the master leakers, and they are purveyors of the star chamber. These are the people who are griping? Oh, the irony!

It’s funny that they would think the President should tell all these blabbermouths in advance.

According to reports, Trump only informed two members, Sens. Richard Burr, R-N.C., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., of the raid beforehand. Nancy Pelosi is now demanding a briefing, which we are sure she didn’t have to demand.

If Pelosi thinks she needs to know the military-strategic plans for our special forces in advance, she needs first to become the commander in chief.

The leaks in 2017 are one reason why they can’t be told:

Adam Schiff said it’s to the President’s advantage to notify Congress in the case of something going wrong. Why? So they could say we told him not to do it or just nit-pick?

After the bizarre pro-Baghdadi reactions this weekend from the left and their newspaper, The Washington Post, it’s reasonable to think some might have warned Baghdadi or got it onto a headline. WaPo called Baghdadi an “austere religious scholar” in their headline.

The truth is it is absurd to think that all these or any of these people have to be informed of a secret military mission beforehand.

Listening to CBS affiliate WINS NY today, all they said was President Trump informed Russia and not Nancy Pelosi, but nothing else. President Trump had to tell Russia since our planes were flying over Russian air space, and that flight was the most dangerous part of the trip. The President didn’t want our military shot at by Russians.

Kayla Mueller

The party leaders who refused to even allow the President a honeymoon period or give him any respect also demand he show more respect for dead Baghdadi, the cowardly rapist-pillager-killer, who tortures young girls, beheads little babies and puts their heads on poles, murders their families, and is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands.

Trump was mean to big bad bag daddy.

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