Trump Goads Morning Joe Over Strange 2001 Death of Scarborough’s Intern


Lori Klausutis

President Trump re-ignited an old story in a tweet suggesting Joe Scarborough should be investigated for the death of his intern in 2001. An old newspaper report says Scarborough had an alibi.

A seemingly healthy 28-year old intern named Lori Klausutis was found dead in Joe Scarborough’s congressional office shortly before he resigned, though he said he announced his retirement months before her death.

She died of a serious head injury though that was covered up by the slimy medical examiner.

Miss Klausutis was found dead two months before Scarborough’s resignation on July 20th, 2001 inside his office on his floor. She had been “dead for some time“. The autopsy did not mention time of death. Scarborough arrived home as her body was discovered.

There have long been conspiracy theories about her death which are resurrected periodically. President Trump tweeted Wednesday that Scarborough be investigated for the intern’s death. He loves to get a rise out of people like Scarborough.

A lot of people like to mock Scarborough over this and some think he might have actually caused her death or even hired someone to kill her. There is no evidence of any of that.

At the time, there was no sign of foul play or suicide. The medical examiner concluded that Klausutis — who had told a co-worker that she was not feeling well before her death — lost consciousness due to an abnormal heart rhythm and fell in Scarborough’s office, hitting her head on a desk. The head injury caused her death, he declared.

Family members denied she had any medical issues but the examiner said it was undiagnosed.

Speculation began as soon as it happened because it was such an unusual case. Scarborough felt the need to come out and defend within three hours of her body being found. Her body was found after 8 a.m. on July 20 in his Florida office. One report said he had flown back after her body was discovered, which means he had an alibi.

The Daily Kos founder mentioned the rumor years ago and was promptly banned from MSNBC. It was during a heated exchange. He said he never accused Scarborough of murder.

Vanity Fair’s James Wolcott wrote a story suggesting it was murder and Michael Moore reportedly registered the domain name

Scarborough was a Republican at the time and there was some political hate going around.

Joe Scarborough responded to the President’s tweet today by saying he’s “not well” but that’s what he says a lot!

The medical examiner was Dr. Michael Berkland who had a checkered history and was finally arrested in 2012. In 2003, he was fired for not completing autopsy reports [that amounts to fraud in his case]. He later lost his license. He tried to say his caseload was too large as a reason for not completing the autopsies but that wasn’t the reason. An investigation by the State of Florida found he falsified several autopsy reports. In one case, he totally fabricated the toxicology results.

On August 29th, 2001, two Fort Walton Beach police officers  Stephen Sequeira and crime scene expert Dusty Rhodes who witnessed the autopsy of Klausutis, said that her “skull had been fractured,” reported NWFDailyNews.

But this was never taken into account in the final autopsy report, and Dr. Berkland stated knowledge of the injury was insignificant and was simply just from the cause of her fall.

Berkland acknowledged on Monday, August 6th, 2001, that Lori had sustained a “scratch and a bruise” on her head and that his original denials were to prevent undue speculations about the cause of death. “The last thing we wanted was 40 questions about a head injury,” he said.

There are rumors that Scarborough had an affair with Ms. Klausitis but there is no real proof readily available and her husband said they were very happily married. They were separated geographically because of their jobs at the time.

There were other rumors that he was cheating while in Congress.

Scarborough admitted to sexual chemistry with Mika long before the announcement of their engagement.

He was divorced from his first wife in 1999 and remarried a Jeb Bush aide in 2001. He resigned from Congress five months after his final term to spend more time with his family. The second marriage fell apart in 2012 with the divorce coming in 2013. Scarborough was having an affair with Brzezinski for some time which he only admitted in 2017.

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