Trump Lawyers Respond to Mueller Interview And Will Evade the Perjury Trap


President Trump’s attorneys sent a written counter-offer to special counsel Robert Mueller on a potential interview of the president. They urged him to wrap it up.

“We have responded in writing to the latest proposal from the Office of Special Counsel regarding its request to interview the president,” said attorney Jay Sekulow. “It is not appropriate at this time to comment publicly about the content of that response.”

His attorney, Rudy Giuliani issued a statement which said in part: “Millions of pages of documents, along with testimony from dozens of witnesses, have been provided. We are restating what we have been saying for months. It is time for the Office of Special Counsel to conclude its inquiry without further delay.”

Giuliani has said this is a “good faith” effort.

Questions that are “perjury traps” are off-limits. That would include open-ended, questions like “Why did you fire Comey?” and “What did you say about Flynn?”. As Guiliani said, they have their answers.

They should offer the same deal Hillary Clinton got. When she was interviewed for her endless crimes, she was not under oath, there were no recordings or transcripts, people who could testify against her were given immunity, and the decision was made before she testified.

Plus the people who interviewed her were pro-Hillary.


Did you know about about the perjury trap Mueller obviously has set for President Trump? What it entails is shocking? If the person the agents want to prosecute says something different from a witness they choose to believe, the person is prosecuted for perjury. The target doesn’t even have to lie! They just have to say something different from the person who they decide to believe.

Alan Dershowitz describes the perjury trap towards the end on this clip.

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