Trump’s Gay Friendly Past the Left Doesn’t Want You to Know About


In 2011, when it was not popular for an aspiring president to go to CPAC and before it was popular to be a gay Republican, Donald Trump went to CPAC at the invitation of gay Republicans.

“These are my people,” he told the tumultuous crowd that included GOProud. GOProud was an organization for gay conservatives and their allies who were allowed to be one of over 150 participating organizations that year.

Some called for boycotts because of their participation. Oddly, many of those calling for them never sponsored CPAC. A few speakers declined the invitation to speak because GOProud was in attendance.

Trump not only went to the event called a “fringe” movement by the mainstream media, but he went at the invitation of GOProud.

Unfortunately, the new gay group, Log Cabin Republicans (GOProud no longer exists) is still not allowed to fully participate in CPAC.

If Republicans want to grow the base, they need to expand their membership. Donald Trump understands that.

Trump never hesitated. He went to the event and stood on stage and declared, “These are my people. This is beautiful”.

You can listen to his speech below.

Story excerpted from a Breitbart article



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