Tucker Tells His Clinton Talking Head to Contact His Libel Lawyer


Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted former Clinton adviser and talking head Richard Goodstein for slandering ex-Trump campaign aide Carter Page. Goodstein called him “a Russian agent” without not a shred of evidence. When Tucker called him on it, Goodstein doubled down saying it was the truth and he had truth on his side.

Goodstein insisted throughout the interview that no American was spied on unlawfully. Spying on Page was warranted since they weren’t spying “on a rival campaign”, they “spied on a Russian agent. “A single Russian agent”.

Imagine if a Democratic campaign was spied on before and after an election.


There’s no evidence Carter Page was a spy and there wasn’t any evidence when they spied.

“You are accusing an American citizen of a crime for which he has not been charged,” Tucker said. “So I’m going to leave that between you and your libel lawyer to sort out. Keep in mind that the person you accused of being a Russian agent has denied it and has never been charged with it because there’s no evidence. That’s a very heavy thing to say about a fellow American.”

Goodstein said, “If he comes after me for libel, truth is a defense,” said Goodstein, who was a senior adviser to both Bill and Hillary Clinton. “I think I have the whole intelligence community of the United States backing me up on that one.”

Tucker snapped back at him. “There’s no ‘intelligence community.’ They are a bunch of people that work for intel agencies, and they work for us [the American public]. We have a right to know what they are doing.”

Tucker said former president Obama allowed his DOJ to spy on a rival campaign and it is unprecedented and corrupt. He’s disgusted that Democrats are turning a blind eye to it simply because they hate President Trump.

The Democrats will rue the day they abandoned principles and the rule of law. It will come back to bite them.

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