Twitter Bans a ‘Gay Patriot’ as Hateful, Was It the Word ‘Gay’ or ‘Patriot’


GayPatriot gave up his website and his Facebook page in May 2016, but he kept posting on Twitter. They just banned him. Twitter only likes liberal and leftist gays, not conservative gays. Having known gay patriot, I can tell you he never posted anything hateful.

Is the word ‘patriot’ hateful?

Samples of his articles include: Feminists Furious as More Men Adopt the Mike Pence Rule, NutsGays Provoke Muslims into Killing ThemLeftists Stand Up for Freedom of Certain Religions, and all those types of things. He is a purveyor of truth.

Gay Patriot, Bruce Carroll had been suspended before for calling Chelsea Manning Bradley Manning and labeling her as a traitor. Twitchy reported on Monday that Carroll’s backup account, @BruceOnLoose, is also gone.

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