Michelle Malkin sent out the tweet below with Mohammed cartoons and then received a notice from the Twitter legal department that they got a complaint about her violating Pakistani Sharia Law.
Apparently, Silicon Valley abides by Pakistani law as opposed to the U.S. Constitution. Frankly, I don’t think there is anything wrong with these cartoons. She sent them out again after getting the notice.
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Here: The Mohammed Cartoons & other riot-inducing images #cartoonjihad #CharlieHebdo ==> http://t.co/iwWEPiFt4h pic.twitter.com/Qh88wc8rd6
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 9, 2015
Ms. Malkin tweeted, “I’ve been #SiliconValleySharia -ed. Here’s the notice Twitter’s legal dept sent me last week, warning me to get legal counsel because anti-blasphemy Muslim zealots complained that my Mohammed Cartoons tweet violates Pakistan’s laws.”
The notice she received:
She wrote in response: “I have written to Twitter’s legal & media relations departments seeking answers and comment on why American citizens who use their service are now subject to Pakistan’s oppressive anti-blasphemy laws. No response yet – hi @jack can you respond==> #SiliconValleySharia“
This is so incredibly nuts, it leaves me speechless. What is wrong with these leftists in Silicon Valley?