UNEQUAL JUSTICE! Political Domestic Terrorism in Charlottesville



A 32-year-old woman marching with the Antifa and Black Lives Matter was killed Saturday when a car driven by a suspected white supremacist or Neo-Nazi mowed her and others down in Charlottesville, Virginia, during skirmishes between alt-right white nationalists and Antifa counter-protesters at the “Unite the Right” rally.

Twenty-year-old James Alex Fields Jr., 20 years of age, has been charged with second-degree murder in what looks like an act of domestic terrorism. He could be a madman like the Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to kill Steven Scalise and other Republicans.


The media and the left are attempting to put the blame at the President’s feet.

In the immediate aftermath of the event as details were still coming in, President Trump was brutally reviled for not specifically calling out the Unite the Right protesters and condemning the violence on “many sides”.

The President was himself viciously attacked by Antifa and other groups during his campaign and knows what the leftists are like from personal experience. Trump was accused during his campaign of supporting the KKK and Neo-Nazis though he denied it and repeatedly condemned David Duke and similar movements.

Minutes after the president condemned violence “on many sides,” CNN ran the banner: “Trump fails to condemn white supremacists,” LaCorte News reported.

According to LaCorte News, the media moved quickly to tie the violence to the president and the larger “alt-right” movement. For example, Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Cokie Roberts said the president “has to share responsibility” for what happened in Charlottesville.

The New York Times’ Sheryl Gay Stolberg backtracked after criticism of her saying “The hard left seemed as hate-filled as alt-right”, despite evidence confirming her statement appeared accurate. The hard-left were wielding bats, bricks, sticks, chemical agents, bottles with excrement, flame throwers, to beat the white nationalists.

It isn’t President Trump who told the police to stand down in Virginia.


President Trump is never treated with the deference the media showed towards Barack Obama and the left.

When Republican congressman Steve Scalise was shot, many in the media as well as Democrat congressmen sought to minimize the ties of the shooter to the Bernie Sanders campaign. It was a very different reaction from the media’s reaction in this case.

When Antifa and other violent leftist activists prevent professors, pundits and others from speaking, the media is clearly in cover up mode for the side they’ve chosen to represent.

Now we have a potential Neo-Nazi ramming a car into counter-protesters.

The story of the neo-Nazi is the only story being told as people turn to social media or cable news. The media works in concert with the perpetrators of violence and divides the country further instead of simply reporting the news.

The violence was on both sides.

Flame throwing leftist in Charlottesville.

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