Ungrateful DREAMer Faces 103 Counts for Anti-Trump Vandalism at His Former College


A former University of Connecticut student Eric Cruz-Lopez, 21, was charged with 103 counts of criminal mischief after he vandalized several buildings at the school with Anti-Trump slogans.

He wrote things like “PEST” or “F*** Trump””. You won’t be surprised to learn that he now works as a community organizer, following in the footsteps of Barack Obama. He protests for illegal aliens for a group called CT Students for a Dream. The group wants open borders and freebies for all.

The damage amounted to more than $4255.

“I did the graffiti,” he wrote in his police statement. “I am open to entering into a conversation about restitution.” He said he was unwilling to limit his anti-Trump slurs to paper and said “pest” is his graffiti signature, according to the warrant.

He used paint markers and spray cans. He did it for months between December and March.

Can’t we deport this trouble maker who is working against our laws?

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