Unhinged Mayor Frey Tries Desperately to Block President Trump’s Rally


Justin Trudeau’s doppelgänger, the Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, is still trying to block President Trump’s rally because Minneapolis is better than that or something.

Overseeing a city of violent crime and sanctimonious liberals (leftists) is not easy and he doesn’t want some Republican President rallying the folks against him and his crime-enabling policies.

Since the President announced he was coming to Ilhan Omar’s district, the unhinged Mayor Frey has whined, spewed hate, and railed about how the people won’t stand behind the President.

Frey is even attempting to charge the President more than half a million dollars for security, more than 26 times the fee Obama was charged. The President has threatened to sue over his obvious ploy to embarrass the President.

Breitbart found that in 2009, then-president Barack Obama rallied at the Target Center, which led to an estimated $20,000 cost for additional security from the police chief, according to a report at the time.

As the President said, the radical left mayor is trying to squelch free speech.

Frey, who has tweeted out nasty, hate speech since the announcement, said he has no time for this back-and-forth with the President who doesn’t want to pay his bills because he — Frey — is busy “filling potholes” and such.

That’s reassuring! The people of the urban hellhole must be so proud.

He’s about love! Yawn.

Frey made a point of supporting the police chief who would not allow his officers to wear their uniforms while securing the stadium where the President will speak Thursday.

So the police fired back and will wear red tee shirts that say “COP’S FOR TRUMP.”

The police union is selling the t-shirts and can’t keep them in stock.

Union President Lt. Bob Kroll explained that the unions, including the POFM, have supported the DFL (Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party) in the past — it’s never been a problem — “but because [the DFL] have kind of turned their back on police and many other working people,” he said, the federation has shifted gears and started endorsing Republicans.

Just #WalkAway!

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