Unhinged Moonbat Chris Cuomo Thinks 12 Year Old Girls Should See Male Body Parts


The federal government should not be misinterpreting 30-year old laws like Title IX to decide for the entire country who can go into what bathroom and locker room. Let localities decide. Unelected bureaucrats in the federal government have no business in girl’s and boy’s locker rooms. That is why President Trump abandoned the bathroom bill.

Get these pencil pushers out of Americans’ lives.

CNN anchor and brother to the New York Governor, Chris Cuomo is arguing about it with anonymous and some known people on Twitter. Regardless of your view on the bathroom bill, he’s an unhinged statist.

Many believe the bathroom bill puts the majority of children in danger and is not needed as protection for the small percentage of transgender people.

We are only including a few of the tweets. He’s such a moonbat. Let states or towns decide. Go away moonbat.

People believe he thinks it’s okay for 12-year old girls to see boys naked and if a parent doesn’t like it, the parent is overprotective. Cuomo said that was a lie but it is what would happen with the bathroom bill.


Mark Dice joined in along with other people. Cuomo should stay away from twitter.

Then there is this viewpoint. There are no stats either way.

Cuomo has the same views as his brother. They know best and the rest of us will comply. There is nothing liberal about the Democrat Party. They are big government control freaks.

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