US media not reporting Omar’s leading charge to reduce sanctions on Iran


The following story is NOT reported in any U.S. media yet.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, who claimed in an op-ed for The Washington Post in October that she is opposed to sanctions, is an active supporter of the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement aimed at destroying Israel. The woman is a lesson in contradictions. Her latest brazen move is to “strongly urge” an end to some sanctions against Iran, our mortal enemy.

Leading the charge, Ilhan Omar, along with 16 other hard-left congresspeople, sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin “strongly urging” the administration to reduce sanctions against the terror nation.

Iran is the leading sponsor of terrorism in the world. They persecute Christians, subjugate women, jail and slaughter their own people for political reasons. They hang and behead gays. More importantly, they want a nuclear bomb to destroy the West and Israel.

News of this letter and Omar’s role in it is not reported in the U.S. press. We had to go to the Jewish Press and to Twitter to find this information.

The letter led by hard-left Reps Ilhan Omar, Raul Grijalva, and Barbara Lee, urged the administration to “conduct a sweeping review” of the sanctions campaign.


Omar characterized the sanctions as “economic warfare.” That’s better than the real thing which Iran constantly threatens.

“The sanctions put in place by this Administration against Iran are nothing less than economic warfare,” said Omar in a statement. “After years of improving relations between the United States and Iran, the sanctions have devastated that country’s middle class, increased hostility toward the United States, and led to a humanitarian catastrophe. One dire effect has been an entirely preventable shortage of lifesaving medicine. This Administration must answer for their attacks on Iranians’ basic human right to affordable medicine.”

The letter focuses on humanitarian concerns and claims that Iranians are deprived of medicine, although they admit Iran produces 97% of its medicines locally.

The letter even calls Iran’s violations of the 1955 Treaty of Amity, “alleged,” and suggests relations with Iran had improved under the last administration, only to be turned around by the current one.

Of course, if they get the bomb and use it to destroy Israel and the Western powers, that won’t matter much.

The letter acknowledges that the administration has taken steps to make certain the sanctions do not interfere with humanitarian aid, but they claim it’s not enough.

They wrote, “We strongly urge the Administration to conduct a sweeping review of its sanctions campaign against Iran and identify and implement the necessary adjustments required to fulfill responsibilities under international law, as ordered by the ICJ [International Court of Justice] in October 2018, to protect the Iranian people’s right to health,” wrote the lawmakers.

We ask you, why isn’t it reported in the U.S. media?  Who are we protecting?



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