[Video] Former Mall Employee Says Roy Moore Was Banned for Bothering Teen Girls


Update: We really need to update this. We saw this mall worker and we now raise you a mall manager who says Roy Moore was not banned from the mall, read more here.

Moore told his staff today that he will not drop out and will see this through to the end despite the hits he’s taking. The latest polls show Moore is ahead of his opponent by six points with 8 percent undecided.

The problem with this election is the opponent, Doug Jones is far-left and supported by Soros groups. Alabamans are in a tough position. Moore’s transgressions are also about 38 years old. It appears he led an exemplary personal life since that time.

We are trying to be fair to Roy Moore in reporting this story because we remember Duke LaCrosse, the UVA rape case, the Columbia U mattress girl, the Washington Post’s repeated lies, the hate coming from the establishment Republicans. However, we want to be fair to the female accusers as well. If they are telling the truth, it takes courage to report something like this.

Therefore, we are presenting this interview for your consideration. Keep in mind, this is still an unverified account. In other words, it’s solicited gossip.

CNN reporter Gary Tuchman interviewed a former mall employee who corroborated an embarrassing story that said Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore had been banned at the mall for approaching young females.

After Roy Moore married in 1985, the gossip appeared to stop.

Do malls have lists? We’d like to see it and have this investigated.

Here’s the CNN interview with Greg Legat:

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