Wait Until You See Why a Dem Candidate Was Booed by Other Dems


The Democratic Party is the party of open borders, no law enforcement, and Maxine Waters. Here is more proof for you.

Ann Kirkpatrick, a Democrat candidate for Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District, raised her hand when asked by the moderator if any candidates would declare “support for ICE agents without any increased oversight.” She was the only candidate to stand up for ICE, Free Beacon reported.

She was actually jeered. Democrats are the open borders people

When asked by the moderator who would join with Democratic leadership and criticize Mad Max Waters for her comments encouraging harassment and intimidation of political opponents, she raised her hand.

Kirkpatrick was heckled. She was the only candidate to stand against Mad Max’s tactics.

Talking about the effects of fear mongering also got her in trouble. Some loon said she should be “ashamed” of herself.

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