WaPo Accidentally Reveals Top Obama Insiders Are Behind the Illegal Leaks


The media has wrapped their arms around the unfounded Trump-Putin connection and used Mike Flynn’s calls with the Russian Ambassador as proof of a secret and illicit relationship. The FBI has cleared Secretary Flynn of any intentional lying to the FBI and no charges will be filed. NBC is reporting that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. Even NPR is now saying nothing illegal took place during the Flynn-Russian ambassador phone calls.

In addition, we do know who leaked the calls if the Washington Post is to be believed.

The Washington Post has revealed in an article that nine current and former officials, who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the calls, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.


The time of the Flynn calls mentioned in the article was when Barack Obama was still in office but on his way out. In the waning days of his administration, Barack Obama set up as many roadblocks as possible to success by the incoming administration.

The leaks took place under Barack Obama and it was by key insiders, senior officials. They are the leakers.

Who authorized the illegal wiretapping?

An operation misusing national intelligence agencies to spy on an incoming administration had to be approved at the highest level.

What did President Obama know and when did he know it? He would undoubtedly say there wasn’t a “smidgeon” of corruption.

Free Beacon reported Tuesday that a concerted effort by Obama insiders began before election day. Ben Rhodes was a leader in an effort to discredit Mike Flynn to keep secret the details of the Iran nuclear deal.

Whatever the reason, all fingers point to Barack Obama. The NSA had to conduct the wiretapping.

All information so far backs up Lt. Col. Tony Schaeffer’s assertion that Barack Obama was behind the leak.

Former CIA analyst and retired U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer during a Wednesday appearance on Fox Business Network named several Obama administration officials he suspected were behind the leaks prompting former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s resignation.

Host Deirdre Bolton asked Shaffer whether he thought leaks from the Obama administration were “the problem.”

“Absolutely,” Shaffer answered, saying the Obama administration was “directly involved” with the leak.

Shaffer said the blame lay “squarely at the feet of” the former CIA director John Brennan, former director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, and former deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes.

Shaffer cited NBC reporting it had received its information from six officials who saw the transcript of Flynn’s call with a Russian official.

“Someone is basically giving away information,” he said.

The leaks are still going on and have to be tied to people still working in these agencies. The President has to drain the swamp


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