WaPo Suggests White Trump Supporters Beat a 91-Year Old Hispanic Man


A 91-year-old Hispanic man, Rodolfo Rodriguez, was severely injured after he was beaten by a woman with a brick last week. The Washington Post report was titled, ‘Woman beats a 91-year-old Mexican man with a brick, tells him to “go back to your country”.

You, like most, assumed the assailant was an unhinged Trump supporter. That is what WaPo wanted you to think.

As the reader plods through the article they do mention the assailant was black. If the assailant had been a white woman, her photo and race would have been in the headline with her mugshot.

They didn’t actually lie, just lied by insinuation in a headline.

Mr. Rodriguez, a permanent resident of the United States, had been attacked with a brick and taken to the hospital with a broken cheekbone and two broken ribs.

Eyewitness Misbel Borjas saw the assault as it happened:

Traffic had slowed Borjas’s car at a corner in Willowbrook, Calif., around 7 p.m. on July 4. Rodriguez accidentally bumped into a young girl while walking on the sidewalk, Borjas told The Washington Post. Borjas, a 35-year-old Los Angeles resident, watched the child’s mother — a black woman — push the elderly man to the ground and repeatedly bash him in the face with a concrete brick while yelling, “Go back to your country.”

“I tried to help him, but the lady said, ‘If you come over here I’ll hit your car with the same brick,’ ” recounted Borjas, who had attempted to pull over and rescue Rodriguez.

Instead, Borjas photographed the mother and her child. Then she called 911

The Chicago Tribune didn’t have a photo of the assailant but they did have a photo of an elderly white man who might have been drinking obnoxiously asking a woman why she’s wearing a Puerto Rican flag shirt.

Then the report insinuates white Trump supporters are beating up Hispanics regularly

WaPo cited a Department of Justice report to say that there was “an uptick of more than 17 percent” in hate crimes since Trump took office. The hate crimes against “anti-Hispanic and anti-Latino crimes soaring over 50 percent last year.”

Who’s committing the crimes though? They suggest it’s Trump supporters but that is unknown.

If you go to the tables, in 2015, there were 299 single-bias incidents of hate crimes against Hispanics. In 2016, there were 344 incidents of hate crimes against Hispanics. They didn’t report hate crimes against Hispanics in 2014 so how do you know if it’s an increase based on one year and only 45 people in a nation of more than 335 million? In addition, the race of the assailants isn’t mentioned. We need more information.

Few are posting a photo of the assailant.


As Bezos’s rag intended, it was blamed on the President but they failed to mention the attacker is a black woman.

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