Washington Post Political Reporter Has a Vile History of Hatred Towards All on the Right


Dave Weigel

Washington Post’s fake news tweeter and political reporter Dave Weigel was once fired by them for spewing hate at Ron Paul, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, many others, and all right-leaning values. He did so while pretending to be a conservative blogger. This is who the Washington Post currently has informing people of the political news. Owner Jeff Bezos hates the right apparently.

Yesterday, we reported that The Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel tweeted a photo of the arena allegedly taken during the Trump rally but it was actually taken hours before the President arrived. In the tweet, Weigel mocked the President for having poor attendance. It was actually a packed arena.

As we find out more about Weigel, it seems his tweet was no mistake.

The President called him out and Weigel apologized, deleting the tweet. It had been retweeted – a lot – and Raw Story concocted an entire tale around it.

Daily Caller and others reported Weigel’s history with the Post and it’s quite stunning that after having been fired by the publication in 2010, they rehired him in 2015, knowing his intense bias against the right.

Weigel was hired in 2010 to blog about conservatives as a conservative and three months later was fired for making highly personal attacks on conservatives and libertarians.

Daily Caller at the time found Weigel wrote that conservatives were using the media to “violently, angrily divide America” and lamented news organizations’ “need to give equal/extra time to ‘real American’ views, no matter how [expletive] moronic.”

When Rush Limbaugh, who has called for President Obama to fail, was hospitalized with chest pains, Weigel wrote: “I hope he fails.” That was a joke, he said.

A story by Betsy Rothstein included other comments made by Weigel: The most salacious of leaked Weigel emails included a harshly worded criticism of Matt Drudge, the famous copy-and-paste author of the Drudge Report. “This would be a vastly better world to live in if Matt Drudge decided to handle his emotional problems more responsibly, and set himself on fire,” wrote Weigel. In another e-mail, he used the word “Paultard” to describe Ron Paul supporters. Later, the Daily Caller and HuffPo, published more emails from Weigel in which he made incendiary statements about Newt Gingrich, the Republican Party, and Pat Buchanan, among others.

For instance, as Newsbusters reported, Weigel commented on the “outbursts of racism” from “amoral blowhard” Newt Gingrich. Weigel is apparently the arbiter of morality.

The WaPo political ‘conservative’ reporter wrote: “There’s also the fact that neither the pundits, nor possibly the Republicans, will be punished for their crazy outbursts of racism. Newt Gingrich is an amoral blowhard who resigned in disgrace, and Pat Buchanan is an anti-Semite who was drummed out of the movement by William F. Buckley. Both are now polluting my inbox and TV with their bellowing and minority-bashing. They’re never going to go away or be deprived of their soapboxes.”

As for Republicans, he described them in the most colorful terms: “Ratf–king [Obama] on every bill.” Palin? Tried to “ratf–k” a moderate Republican in a contentious primary in New York. Limbaugh? Used “ratf–king tactics” in urging Republican activists to vote for Hillary Clinton in open primaries after Obama had all but beat her for the Democratic nomination.

This is the Post’s idea of a conservative blogger?

At the time, the Washington Post said they hired him because they were under the impression he was a conservative blogger. The fact that they rehired him two years ago does say a lot about the accuracy and intent of their reporting.

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