Watch the promo of a new generation of drag queens as a GOOD THING???


This is touted as a milestone or something —  the next generation of drag queens. The only problem is little kids shouldn’t be groomed to be transvestites. It’s not something they came by naturally, they were taught. Little kids should have normal childhoods and this new wave of liberalism and worse is unhealthy.

The drag queen life is not something children should be taught to aspire to so they can make money or whatever.

Setting kids up for this sexualization at an early age is just wrong.

I know that I am not supposed to judge, but, come on, this is bizarre. These children have been sexualized way too early and when they perform, an audience of pedophiles and transgenders will cheer and throw dollar bills at them. I think it’s child abuse and women/mothers pushing it should be held to account. They are making a lot of money off this.

Adults who want to be drag queens — go to it — do whatever you want, but young children???

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