Watch top Dem Jerry Nadler eat while slurping during an interview


When Jerrold Nadler was 400-pounds 

Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh mentioned on his radio show that Jerrold Nadler ate obnoxiously in between complaining that Mueller doesn’t want to come to testify.

Rush imitated Nadler’s noisy eating: (Nadler eating impression)”Oh! (obnoxious chewing) So Jerry Nadler (smacking lips) says that (chewing) Mueller… (smacking lips) Just a sec. (slurping) Doesn’t want to come.” (laughing) Snerdley, people aren’t gonna know what that’s about. We had a sound bite yesterday. Nadler was eating while being interviewed in a podcast by John Harwood and it literally sounded just like that. So I was, of course, mocking Nadler.

Rush mentioned the obvious — you don’t eat in politics, especially not rudely, swallowing and slurping.

The Rush impression can be heard below.


When biased left-wing reporter John Harwood asked him if Trump is worse than Nixon, Nadler, of course, said, “Yes.”

“Yes, I do. Nixon never…never posed the kind of existential challenge to the separation of powers and to limited government that Trump does.”

He gossiped, going back to the 1990s while slumping, slurping, and talking with food in his mouth. This is the Democrat icon who is leading the investigation against Trump in the House Judiciary. Nadler doesn’t need facts and doesn’t feel the need to present with the most basic good manners. He looks and sounds like a typical third world thug. He accuses Trump of thuggery, dishonesty, and violating the rule of law — all the things he does.


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