We Are No Longer Allowed to Use the Word “Nationalist”


The President said at a rally that he is a nationalist, not a globalist. That is true of Republicans in general. The left has run with it.

The word ‘nationalist’ is now a ‘dog whistle’ for racism according to the Democratic media. The dictionary defines nationalism as patriotism, but the left hates that word too. The thought police say the name is no longer allowed.

Can anyone say Orwellian?

The PC culture is very Marxist, it silences opposing opinions, forces groupthink, and it is disliked by the majority of Americans. It’s wholly unAmerican.

Some words and expressions should be avoided. Of that, there is little doubt, but this PC nonsense has gone way too far. Yesterday, Megyn Kelly said on air that Halloween costumes in blackface shouldn’t be condemned, which was a dumb thing to say. Blackface is very insulting and was used to mock blacks, especially during the Vaudeville error.

However, that doesn’t mean the extremes on the other end are okay.

The NY Times claims ‘nationalism’ holds connotation of fascism and Nazism. Says who? Them? Trump didn’t say he was a National Socialist, he said he’s not a globalist and he’s patriotic.

Idiot leftist Colbert was “appalled” and tweeted his displeasure and referenced white supremacists [Democrats] who were in the KKK, emphasizing that they were ‘white nationalists’ as if it were the same thing.

“You know why you’re not supposed to use that word? Because it’s the second half of ‘white nationalist.’ Chopping off the first word doesn’t change what it means in our minds. ‘Oh look, look, I’m a klux klan, I have no idea which one! Don’t judge me. There’s all kinds of klux klans.’” — STEPHEN COLBERT

The left wants to silence the right. It’s as simple as that. You must be a globalist, period.

The Daily Caller covered it.

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