Where’s the Probe? Omar’s Likely a Bigamist Who Married Her Brother


No one is looking into the strong evidence that Rep. Ilhan Omar is a bigamist who might have married her biological brother at the same time she was married to another man.

Rep. Ilhan Omar was married twice, to her “cultural husband” and her legal husband, both at the same time. There is a great deal of evidence seeming to prove she married her biological brother to get him U.S. citizenship. That’s fraud and it’s illegal.



Since 2016, Alpha News has been following a trail of evidence that suggests Omar may have married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in order to aid Elmi in obtaining U.S. citizenship. The two were married in 2009 and later divorced in 2017. While being legally married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, Omar has publicly identified Ahmed Hirsi as her cultural husband and father of her children.

Omar has refused to answer questions regarding her marriage history, calling the claims that she married her brother “disgusting lies.” However, new evidence uncovered by David Steinberg of PJ Media further supports the claims.

According to official school records from St. Paul Public Schools obtained by Steinberg, an “Ahmed N. Elmi” was enrolled as a senior at Arlington Senior High School in St. Paul, Minnesota from September 2002 to June 2003. Ahmed N. Elmi graduated in June 2003 with a diploma.

Steinberg reports that the enrollment record lists Ahmed N. Elmi’s date of birth as April 4, 1985–the same date of birth listed on Omar’s marriage documents and divorce proceedings for Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.

Steinberg writes that he could not find anyone with that name or a variation of it other than him. Several classmates of Elmi’s identified his father as Nur Said Elmi Mohamed, Omar’s father.

The information was first revealed on an anonymous website, ‘Somali Spot’.

After it was posted on the website, Scott Johnson of Powerlineblog did extensive research further supporting the claim that Omar married her brother. Scott Johnson of Powerlineblog has also found photos of her brother that match up.

Omar’s muscle

David Steinberg at PJ Media says that people in the community will not come forward. They have been silenced by Omar’s muscle, a man named Guhaad Hashi, and Ahmed Hirsi, her cultural husband. Many of the residents of Hirsi’s district still have family in Somalia and both men have connections to Somalia. Hashi is running for office in Somalia. The Minnesota Somalis are terrified of retribution on them or their families still living in Somalia.

Guhaad is trying to find out who revealed Omar’s marriages and he plans to seek revenge.

According to a translation of one of Guhaad’s threatening posts in 2016, he wrote: “Somalis say those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Who knows who owns this website Somali Spot? Who knows who posts on it? Soon I will expose all and, I promise, if you don’t stop what you’re doing we won’t stop until you have nowhere to hide.”

Guhaad was not shunned by Omar after he lodged a number of threats.

He soon appeared at an Omar “family reunion.” He campaigned with Ilhan days before her November 2018 election. And he was with Ilhan in DC for her swearing-in.


Powerline’s Scott Johnson told Alpha News that he spoke face-to-face with one of his sources. He states, “I am confident about the man I met. He was willing to meet with me, and to be a source, but extremely concerned that confidentiality be maintained to protect his identity. He indeed was terrified about what would happen to him if his identity were to be disclosed. I met him. He is Somali. He lives in the community. He gave me his Minnesota id. card. I have his name and address. I believe him.”

The media and Democrats ignore fraud, perjury, threats, and vicious anti-Semitism. Because Ilhan Omar’s lies fit a narrative, David Steinberg says.

Politifact contacted the Sentinel for evidence after we began reporting the story. They were going to check the facts. We referred them to Steinberg and Johnson. No fact check was ever written.


According to Steinberg, a 2016 video shows Sadiq Mohamed Nur saying “we must get a hold of” and “remove from our community” the folks who leaked your marriage fraud. Guhaad Hashi then posted pictures of himself going door-to-door, “shushing” people.

On the same video, Fahria Khalif says: “Never forget our Somali nationalism. The infidels are watching us. All this personal stuff about Ilhan? These infidels, take a look at [Trump]. How many women has he married?”

Several sources claim Omar’s campaign threatened Minnesota Somali voters.

Watch the video on this link. This is the translation provided by Steinberg:


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