While You Watch the Shiny Object, George Soros Takes Over the Criminal Justice System


Ultra-Progressive Larry Krasner, who received nearly $2 million in backing from Soros, was elected District Attorney of Philadelphia. George Soros has been flooding cash into DA races  in amounts unheard of in local races. He intends to turn the justice system into the most Progressive system in the world.

Larry Krasner, a progressive defense attorney, has joked that he built a career that made him “completely unelectable” and yet he won by 40 points.

Krasner is very far left. He has represented Occupy Philadelphia and Black Lives Matter [Marxists groups]. The new top law enforcement officer has sued the police department more than 75 times.

The police are going to have a hard time doing their job with him at the helm.

Krasner calls for an end to “mass incarceration.”  He is soft on crime. “The only way [reform is] going to happen is if it’s forced down some of [lawmakers’] throats,” he said. “And it’s going to be forced down some of their throats because the cities can turn out a vote and then, after some period of time, these policies will start to look sensible.”

Soros poured millions into Krasner’s race even though Democrats outnumber Republicans 7 to 1.

In an unusual move, the city police union and the Philadelphia Inquirer, both of which often back Democrats, endorsed Republican Beth Grossman. That caused Democrats some concern but then the money poured in.

Philly now has a borderline communist as the head law enforcement officer.

Last year, leftist billionaire George Soros spent nearly $11 million to help 12 candidates running in local district attorney races during the 2016 election cycle and 10 won.

The Soros operation is the same in nearly every city: The financier will establish political action committees, pour money into local races, then turn around and shut them down once the election is over, Free Beacon reported.

Soros previously pushed millions into district attorney races in Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico.

Soros was the sole funder of a super PAC last year in Ohio that supported Democratic prosecutors in the state. After the candidates had won, the committee refunded Soros his money and the PAC was shut down.

Politico reported that Soros pushed black and Hispanic candidates, all of whom ran on platforms sharing major goals of Soros’, like reducing racial disparities in sentencing and directing some drug offenders to diversion programs instead of to trial.

We can thank the Clintons for bringing this evil man to the United States.

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