WHOA! High-Level Archbishop Wants an Investigation into Obama Interfering in Pope’s Resignation


Archbishop Luigi Negri of Cremona

Lifesite News reports that a highly-placed Archbishop claims the Obama administration is implicated in the retiring of one Pope and therefore the consequent installation of another, more liberal Pope. The Archbishop making the accusations is Luigi Negri, a vocal critic of Pope Francis who was Pope Benedict XVI’s close adviser.

The Italian archbishop, who is in recent contact with Pope Benedict XVI, claims the Obama administration might have been involved in the odd 2013 resignation of the retired Pope. Pope’s don’t resign, at least not since 1415, and even that resignation wasn’t the norm.

Some Catholic groups “have asked President Trump to open a commission of inquiry to investigate whether the administration of Barack Obama exerted pressure on Benedict,” said Archbishop Luigi Negri in an interview Monday.

“It remains shrouded in mystery for now,” the archbishop said to news outlet Rimini 2.0, “but I am sure that those responsible will be found out.”

He was refercening a letter written by a group of American Catholics to President Trump last January requesting that the administration conduct an investigation into a possible Soros-Obama-Clinton conspiracy behind the resignation of Pope Benedict.

They believe, based on their own evidence, that Obama pushed for “regime change”.

They wrote, “we find that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated under highly unusual circumstances and was replaced by a pope whose apparent mission is to provide a spiritual component to the radical ideological agenda of the international left.”

Archbishop Negri didn’t put all the blame for the Pope’s resignation of Obama but said he was “certain that the truth will emerge one day showing grave liability both inside and outside the Vatican.”

It is no secret that the Democrat Party and Soros people among other leftists are trying to take over the Catholic Church from within with, one might say, noted success in Catholic colleges and charitable organizations.

As we discovered through Wikileaks, Soros, Podesta, and others have formed radical left Catholic organizations specifically with the intention of co-opting the message of the Church.  The purpose is to foment rebellion from within. Soros and his allies fund most of the leftist Catholic groups.

The organizations promote open borders, mass migration, abortion and other anti-Catholic Church values.

That was all obvious in the hacked/leaked Podesta emails.

It’s possible the Archbishop is right. Obama did interfere in the Israeli elections.

Archbishop Negri has a past with Pope Francis. He was overheard – allegedly – on a train in November 2015 being harshly critical of Pope Francis. The archbishop was accused of telling his secretary he wished for a miracle and that the Pope would die, but he later explained he was referring to a completely different miracle.

The earwitnesses who reported his statements remain anonymous to this day.

Archbishop Negri recently reached the mandatory age of retirement at 75 years and was replaced  by a cleric known for his advocacy on behalf of migrants and refugees. Negri is conservative and Pope Francis is a leftist though he says he’s not a communist.

Pope Francis has appointed a large number of left-wing Cardinals and sidelined conservatives. Perhaps he doesn’t need Obama to influence him.



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