The lifestream press conference with Julian Assange ended at 10:15 ET but we have some of the key comments below as well as the video replay. It starts at about 07:12 on the mark.
The two take-aways are that the DNI report came from a 2012 report based on newspapers sources and the Clinton and DNC emails are authenticated. Hillary and the DNC are that horrible!
Furthermore, Assange said the US government is currently destroying records of this administration.
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Questions were asked on twitter with a hashtag, #ASKWL
General Statement
The recent report is a press release and an embarrassment, he said. This is an embarrassment to the intelligence services. Intelligence services have been politicized, Assange insists.
Most of the information came from a 2012 open source report. Open sources are newspapers and other public reports anyone can acquire.
No evidence exists to say this was done to help Donald Trump and there is no evidence of Russian hacking in the report .
Time Frames Are Obfuscated
DNC said they were attacked starting in 2015 and Wikileaks emails are dated March 2016. During that time Trump is not a serious contender, but rather he was likely to lose. This CIA report deliberately obscures the assessments in relation to time frames. That is a key to the politicization of the report.
DNI report claims it doesn’t know when the DNC was hacked. Clapper is in charge of all 17 intelligence organizations and they claim they don’t know when Wikileaks got their hacks. The time frame is obscured.
The media conflated Wikileaks release to hacking of machines — that led to 54% of Democrats thinking Russians hacked the machines.
Another conflation was DC leaks and Guccifer with Wikileaks but Wikileaks is entirely different.
Wikileaks Documents Authenticated
DNI report said they could not determine forgeries in Wikileaks publications. Wikileaks includes authentications but now the FBI/NSA/ODNI all agree they are authentic. DNC Chair Donna Brazile lied and said they were not authentic. Podesta claimed they were falsified and that too was a lie. All the SPOX lied to the public when they said there were any forgeries in their publications.
They are all THAT BAD!
It’s All in the Semantics
NY Times quotes government officials saying Wikileaks material came from a hacking group endorsed by Russian intelligence services but words like “relayed” or “proving of relayed” is a very vague description. How much evidentiary weight — it is literally zero. No evidence is supplied. The closest thing to that is the open source reporting from 2012 but open sources are from media reports anyone can do and find.
Wikileaks sources for the US election are not a state party.
He said there are at times sources within the US government.
If it was a government who leaked the information, Wikileaks would not be as protective.
Assange’s personal safety situation is difficult. He will talk about that tomorrow on reddit. His Internet was turned off during the election as an example.
US Government Is Currently Destroying Records
Massive records are being destroyed in different departments and agencies. It happens when an administration leaves office. Wikileaks believes it is part of history and it belongs to the American people and to the world. The destruction of archives should be a crime against humanity. It is how we understand the world around us.
It is an “egregious act to destroy major elements of human history”. This is an “obscenity” and there is a $30,000 reward for the exposure of anyone engaged in the destruction of such historical records.
Wikileaks says people in government should take the data and give it to Wikileaks or the media. It does not belong to the political party.
Assange Didn’t Care Who Won
Wikileaks explained in an editorial by Assange why they were doing what they were doing. They thought Clinton was almost certain to win. Apart from her qualifications, donors cashed out because they thought she was a shoe-in. They would have forked over 5 billion instead of 1 billion to be sure she won.
The question was if Wikileaks preferred Trump to win. The response: Wikileaks interests, Assange’s personal interests, we were creating substantial conflict between Wikileaks and the person who was expected to be president. We understand we were increasing our risks doing what we were doing. About Trump, it’s interesting, the US population turned against the elites in the US. When the elites don’t listen to the population, the population stops listening to elites. When elites pushed so hard, the population saw the social conflict is with the elites who don’t like Trump. So, they voted for Trump, the man elites were appalled by. It was an effort to pull down those existing walls.
Wikileaks thinks there are a lot of bad cabinet picks. Some picks are interesting. It might have opened up DC in a bad way or in some ways good.
As a publisher, he is thrilled with the report because it has intelligence coming into our camp that Wikileaks publications are accurate.
Democrat Intent
The reformation that should be happening in the Democratic Party – it’s obvious why they lost – they rigged the primary and they didn’t end up with the most competitive candidate. There were only three in the Democratic Party because of the “fixing” in the structure…then the marginalizing of Bernie Sanders. Democratic Party ruling class is fighting like dogs to keep the base from throwing them out which is what would normally happen.
Democrats are trying to shackle Trump to not being a legitimate president for the next four years probably. Even if you believe hacking affected the election, what are we talking about in terms of impact. Yes, Wikileaks was the most talked about topic on Facebook and Twitter but what was discussed were the words of Hillary Clinton, Podesta, and her team hypocrisy, twisting words, deceit. Should the American people be deprived of that information?
FOIA is a formalized leak system, Assange said in response to being asked if he supported it. It is unfortunately managed by government departments if you get enough money, time, courts, you might get information. Government agencies keep back information. For example, DoJ has a very serious investigation against Wikileaks and this information is being held.
Clinton or Trump, Six-to-One, Half-a-Dozen to Another
Assange said he didn’t hope for any particular candidate. Clinton was a consolidation of the liberal regime and the ruling class, creating a space that would be harder for companies like Wikileaks to operate in. Some of Trump’s people are very hostile towards Wikileaks with some saying they want to execute Assange.
Clinton is a consolidation of the existing regime, he repeated. Under Obama and Clinton, prosecuted more journalists, three times as many, as all presidents combined.
On the other hand, Trump is destabilizing, which is bad and good.
One person asked why they only release information about the U.S. Assange said they don’t but a lot comes from the United States. It is an empire and has the world’s largest or second largest economy, Hollywood films are the dominant cultural product, making them important. Wikileaks reveals documents about other countries, such as Germany and Turkey, but the US is dominant.
The DNI report is intellectually bankrupt because it presents no evidence that can be checked.
Assange says the DNI report protects Democrats going to the 2018 and 2020 elections and it is a means to delegitimize the election of Donald Trump.
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