Children aged 6-10 will likely soon have mandatory lessons that include information on “self-stimulation” as part of Britain’s All About Me program, The Telegraph reports. It doesn’t stop there.
Schools will also teach children there are ‘100 genders or more’”, boys can have periods too, and schools will be mandated to give happiness classes, and, as we mentioned, children as young as six are to be given compulsory self-touching lessons.
According to the government website, “parents will not be able to withdraw their child from Relationships Education in primary school or secondary school”. There is no opt-out option.
Some parents are concerned, but they should be marching on the schools. This will take place under the Children and Social Work Act 2017.
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This is Big Brother taking the education of children out of the hands of parents.
According to the Daily Mail, the program has teachers telling children that “lots of people like to tickle or stroke themselves as it might feel nice,” including touching their “private parts,” and while this behavior may be considered “dirty” by some, it is in fact, “very normal.” Children are also advised not to touch themselves in public.
They don’t call it masturbation but of course it is.
The totalitarians who think they have the right to do this despite the parents’ wishes believe it’s important. Just another excuse to take over the rights of others. If you look at lessons online, you will see the program glorifies self. It should help raise a lot of narcissists.
“Actually we refer to self-stimulation or self-soothing throughout the program in earlier years as well. This is not sex education but actually information around safe and appropriate touching. However uncomfortable adults may find it, children of all ages will self-stimulate from time to time. They may do this when anxious or simply because it feels nice,” said one of the creators of the All About Me program, Jonny Hunt.
“While some of the material may be sensitive for some, we believe it is important for children… to get clear and consistent information about this important, but often overlooked subject,” said the Warwickshire County Council.
Not everyone agrees.
“I and many other parents would be furious at completely inappropriate sexual matters being taught to children as young as six. These classes go way beyond the guidance the Government is producing and are effectively sexualizing very young children,” said Tory MP David Davies.
“My wife cried the first time she read what was going to be in the lessons. This sexualization of our children is just totally inappropriate. They are calling it self-touching and they won’t use the term masturbation, but when you read it that’s exactly what they’re talking about. We don’t want to start picket lines and wave banners. We’re just an ordinary family. I think many families who had seen these lesson plans would feel the same way we did,” said Matthew Seymour, who along with his wife, withdrew their children from school because of the mandatory lessons.
Well, maybe they should start picket lines. It works for the left. To just succumb is ridiculous.
“We never use the word self-stimulation, not in primary school. For us it is not appropriate,” said teacher Lynette Smith.
“It is even more concerning that parents may be denied the opportunity to withdraw their children from these lessons if the school brands them as relationship education classes rather than as sex education,” said Piers Shepherd, of the Family Education Trust.
“It looks like Warwickshire has paid more attention to a controversial sex education consultancy than to… what parents understand to be in the best interests of their children,” said Simon Calvert, of the Christian Institute.
The communist Labour Party in the U.K. wants to abolish private schools. It’s not surprising. It will give them total control over the youth. Then they can see even more sexualization of children and much worse.
Jeremy Corbyn promises that if he wins, he would “challenge the elite privilege of private schools” and claimed that “the ongoing existence of private schools is incompatible with Labour’s pledge to promote social justice”.
Everyone must be the same. No one can excel, especially if they are white, according to the communists. And people just let this happen.
The party would include in its next manifesto “a commitment to integrate all private schools into the state sector”.
Can you imagine the power it gives them?
The State will rule and rule tyrannically.
It’s coming here, sooner, rather than later.
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