WSJ Calls AOC Ignorant So She Retorts Ignorantly


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) took aim at The Wall Street Journal on Thursday after an op-ed writer asserted in a column that the freshman lawmaker encouraged young people to “take pride” in ignorance.

In a column by Grace Marie Turner, the president of a think tank, Turner called her an all-American Socialist. She writes that Ocasio-Cortez “leads a generation of young people to take pride in their ignorance—of the laws of nature, of history, of the Constitution, of the eternal battle for freedom—and still succeed.”

Ms. Turner leveled her:

“As much as conservatives are aghast at the over-the-top collectivist ideas of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, we cannot ignore the oversize intrigue with this young woman, who has gained instant influence and celebrity,” the column continues.

The tragedy is that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has little regard for the system that made it possible for her to be elected to Congress, gain extraordinary influence, have access to millions of dollars to pay staff (at a “living wage” of at least $52,000 a year, so generous is she with taxpayer money), and now with a standard of living far above what her old job could have provided. She leads a generation of young people to take pride in their ignorance—of the laws of nature, of history, of the Constitution, of the eternal battle for freedom—and still succeed.

Perhaps her role in killing 25,000 Amazon jobs in New York will wake people up, or maybe it’ll be the hubris of her recent tweet: “If you don’t like the #GreenNewDeal, then come up with your own ambitious, on-scale proposal to address the global climate crisis. Until then, we’re in charge—and you’re just shouting from the cheap seats.”

Ah, democracy! Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has soared because of the freedom and prosperity her policies would destroy. Our attention to her fuels her celebrity and therefore her ideas. Time to get over our fascination and move on.


Ocasio-Cortez fired back with a non sequitur and sounded as ignorant as Ms. Turner said she is.

Cortez supports socialism/communism which is responsible for tens of millions of deaths and a great deal of misery in the world.

Never mind that slavery, Jim Crow, and mass incarceration were Democrat initiatives.

She won’t stop posting on anything and everything and she is in a protective bubble on Twitter. Her followers feed her foolishness.


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