Yellow Vests Return, French Generals Accuse Macron of Treason


This week, French Generals accused President Macron of treason and warned that his signature on the U.N. Migration Pact will give the French people another reason to “revolt”. At the same time, the yellow vests are back and the violence is continuing.

Eleven French generals, an admiral, a colonel, and a former defense minister signed a letter to President Emmanuel Macron accusing him of “treason” for signing the U.N. Global Migration Pact.

The letter written by General Antoine Martinez warns Macron that the move strips France of more sovereignty and provides an additional reason for “an already battered people” to “revolt”.

The letter accuses Macron of being “guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation” for signing the pact without putting it to the people.

“The French state is late in coming to realize the impossibility of integrating too many people, in addition to totally different cultures, who have regrouped in the last forty years in areas that no longer submit to the laws of the Republic,” states the letter, adding that mass immigration is erasing France’s “civilizational landmarks”.

The French revolt started over the climate change fuel tax but it was the tip of the iceberg. They are very over-taxed at 46% and the common man makes about $1700 a month. If you’ve been to France, you know things are not cheap. Then they have issues with many other problems, including migration and terrorism. Many want the solution to be more big government since they are communists.


For this fifth straight weekend, the French yellow vests are taking to the streets as the leadership investigates to determine what role Russia has in the uprising. However, while Macron is trying to distract with a Russia interference gambit, it should be kept in mind that only 18% of French people support Macron.

They want Macron to resign.

The French police union has joined the yellow vests and they want the police to join as well.


The movement is spreading to other countries which prompted Egypt to ban the sale of yellow vests. That’s how dictatorships handle it. In Britain, they are opposed to the EU and want to leave without the terrible deal Teresa May insists the British approve.

Some Brits have taken up the idea as well. They don’t want Teresa May’s lousy Brexit deal.

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