You’re Fired! Sessions Tells All of Obama’s Attorneys to Resign


Update at the end

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has told the remaining 46 U.S. attorneys to resign, the Justice Department announced Friday. They aren’t fired yet but will be if they don’t go peacefully.

In a statement “the Attorney General has now asked the remaining 46 presidentially appointed U.S. Attorneys to tender their resignations,” a spokeswoman said.

“Until the new U.S. Attorneys are confirmed, the dedicated career prosecutors in our U.S. Attorney’s Offices will continue the great work of the Department in investigating, prosecuting, and deterring the most violent offenders,” the statement added.

They usually leave on their own but Obama’s attorneys needed a little encouragement.

At the same time, Republicans are very concerned that Obama holdovers are working against the current administration.

The concerns are reasonable.

Historically, the administration allowed the attorneys to remain in their positions until they were replaced but that was when government employees put their job responsibilities before they personal ideologies. That was pre-Obama.

U.S. attorneys are responsible for prosecuting federal crimes in the territories they oversee. They report to Justice Department leadership in Washington, and their priorities are expected to be in line with those of the attorney general. The federal prosecutors are nominated by the president, generally upon the recommendation of a home-state senator, Fox News reported.

Law enforcement and sanctuary cities are going to be dealt with differently from now on.

Even more impressive is Attorney General Session’s intention to consider an investigation into the Obama Justice Department.

They might want to look at Eric Holder and how he handled Fast & Furious and they might want to look at Loretta Lynch of meet Bill Clinton on the plane fame.

They might want to look at Loretta Lynch’s Civil War era blood and death video. She’s literally calling for the leftists to march, bleed and die while she stays nestled in her mansion.

Preet Bharara of New York said he won’t go and Trump will have to fire him. That tells me it’s good he’s going. [Update: He was fired Saturday afternoon}

In an UPDATE since publication, our favorite fake news outlet CNN says the firings “couldn’t have been handled any worse”. Others of us are wondering what took the AG so long.

Anger is allegedly mounting because the attorneys say they were given no warning.

Seriously? The attorneys always get fired.

Remember when Bill Clinton did it in 1993?

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