This Week in History: Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 2017
This Week in History
by Dianne Hermann
“Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past,
for human events ever resemble those of preceding times.”
Week of January 30-February 5, 2017
January 30
1798 - The first brawl in...
This Week in History: Jan. 23-29, 2017
This Week in History
by Dianne Hermann
“Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past,
for human events ever resemble those of preceding times.”
Week of January 23-29, 2017
January 23
1812 - A 7.8 earthquake shakes New...
This Week in History: Jan. 16-22, 2017
This Week in History
by Dianne Hermann
“Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past,
for human events ever resemble those of preceding times.”
Week of January 16-22, 2017
January 16
1847 - John C. Frémont is appointed...
An Execrable Coup––An Exhilarating Counter-Coup
by Joan Swirsky
In 2009, America experienced a genuine coup d’état, exquisitely formulated and flawlessly executed after decades of planning by the socialists, communists, and jihadists among us who loathe America and have wished for...
Kerry Exits as Congenital Liar and Traitor to America & Israel
by Joan Swirsky
Nothing could have surprised––indeed shocked––the national and international public more than learning through a Boston Globe article by Jennifer Anne Perez on February 2, 2003, that U.S. Senator John Kerry––who presented himself...
This Week in History: Jan. 9-15, 2017
This Week in History
by Dianne Hermann
“Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past, for human events ever resemble those of preceding times.”
Week of January 9-15, 2017
January 9
1793 - The first hot-air balloon...
Bitcoin – Monetary Scam or New World Currency?
Bitcoin – Monetary Scam or New World Currency?
by Temerity Forthright
Bitcoin is an electronic form of currency that was created and is held in the digital world. It isn’t printed or minted. There is no...
This Week in History: Jan 2-8, 2017
This Week in History
by Dianne Hermann
“Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past,
for human events ever resemble those of preceding times.”
Week of January 2-8, 2017
January 2
1811 - U.S. Senator Timothy Pickering is...