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  1. Oh, come on …. Flatline!
    This board is a Flatline.

    So, how is that helping? I bet I got the answer. Government flooded your minds with all of their nefarious troll propaganda and got all of you ( most of the internet, if not all) to censor yourselves and kill all discussion in America. Mass Hysterics and you are all Victims of Government Troll propaganda! I am really laughing about this; because it is the subject of great humor. An entire nation that cut off most communications; because ,like children, they were all afraid of the Troll. The Troll is the most powerful entitity in this comment/debate/opinion industy. The Troll Rules You All. Government is the Troll, America! And, You all think you deserve a Constitution: I feel sorry for the Founders! What a Shame.

    oh, and i choose to remain “Anonymous;” because I had a very high government clearance. I notice agents ( I know them) following me around when my posting gets too close to my non-disclosure agreements. Shame on you, America! I tried to help you; but you were too offended and scared of trolls. And, none of you think you have anything to hide? Hey, America, I got a BIG , FAT Golden Gate Bridge to Sell You!

    • Oh, and I apologize if this post makes it? I am conducting my own tests on freedom of speech/expression, and the All Important, Privacy Rights of the Constitution. Privacy is very Important.

      Think about this, a Government Google with Every post you ever made and you`ll never see it: Top Secret. However, your Employer? This is what the Data Collections Goldmine is really all About: Total Control of the Population. This is why I do not do Facebook or anything else that requires a legal registration with a phone number account: It could ruin your future employment and worse! Think Ahead.

      We need to open up this all important Discussion; before the next Corporate Data Leak!!! Besides … the Intenet has been Destroyed. No Freedom to Express Opinions, Challenge Content or Debate. We cannot all be Mr Rodgers!

  2. Interesting. However, all the banned items are Constitutionally protected and deemed necessary free speech and expression, especially because people do not like it. -Recent Supreme Court Ruling. They even protected Hate Speech! You know, the deep depravity of the country necessitates a Mean, Drill Seargent, not Mr Rodgers. This is part of what is wrong with America and why it cannot be Fixed: NO HEART.

    Sometimes. .. there will be arguments and name calling. Sometimes … People get angry and swear. Hostile Debate is Spirited Debate! I do not like Flatline personalities! I do not want to know any perfect PC people; because then I`d know it`s a Bot. Perfect People do not exist and I hate Fakers! Why are you all trying to be something you are not? Really. Then you wonder how you got JOE BIDEN as a Leader. Think about it; because it is all related.

  3. Your web server doesn’t have a favicon correctly set. So when users bookmark your site there is no icon for it.

  4. So where is it that we are supposed to let yu know we have trouble commenting? This is the only place on this web site where I can even see any comments let alone comment myself.

  5. Substitute Democrats and Socialists for Communist and Communism and you get the idea! This is the purposeful destruction of America and the great American middle class. Find this on the internet: “The Naked Communist” by W. Cleon Skousen (copyright 1958). Chapter XII explains all on pages 259 to 262, the “Goals”.
    Here’s just a few of their 45 goals:
    #15. Capture one or both political parties in the United States.
    #17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmissionbelts for socialism and current Communist propa-ganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
    #20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
    #21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
    #25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
    #26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
    #36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
    #37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business

  6. Western civilization is in peril as is all the countries containing its concepts.

    “Meanwhile the culture and class wars continue and the common folks are spit upon by tyrannical elites and their lackeys who use a divide-and-conquer approach against We, the People. The elite-owned media and entertainment industries are major indoctrination weapons allowing the few to lord over the many.

    The people of all Western countries MUST unite to defy the tyrants in our midst and the barbarians invading our home lands. Failure to do so will result in a new Dark Age of barbarism for future generations living in servitude to the invading barbarians and the tyrannical elite masters.”

    My pre-written blurb used when needed. Other efforts:


    USA oriented:

    Placing your Independent Sentinel at the top of my bookmark list. Appreciate your efforts.

  7. As a Californian I am so frustrated at the “retreat” from the battle to take back California. Though Cox wasn’t a great candidate, Newsome won by a slim margin, and with a little effort by the GOP in CA, Cox may have won. Too many think that ALL Californians are left wing nuts. We aren’t. There’s a huge number that are middle of the road, and even far right. There are even Democrats sick of the invitation to all the illegals to “come to California” for free everything. We have record homelessness, drug addicts openly shooting up on our streets, filth everywhere, and violent criminals let out of prison onto our streets as felonies are now misdemeanors. Yet, the GOP comes to CA sucks up all the money and spends NONE of it here backing a viable candidate. WHY? iF CA were turned, imagine the consequences! Yes, it’s a battle, but one worth fighting. Yet the DNC and GOP leadership COWER AND RUN. Donald Trump could have made a difference if he had commited to campaigning here, but chose not to. ILLEGAL VOTING is why CA is making such gains. It cannot be proven without VOTER ID LAWS, however; once again the Republican mainstream in Washington via Paul Ryan cowered and didn’t push it. We should have Voter ID laws AND Border funding, but because of the lukewarm Republicans in Congress, here we sit. I THINK EVERYONE SHOULD MOVE TO BEING INDEPENDENT, AND MAKE THE REPUBLICANS EARN THE VOTE!! Right now the Republicans stand for NOTHING, EXCEPT A FEW.

    • Thank you for that excellent contribution, Karen. Your particular remark about everyone becoming ‘Independent’ is particularly sound. Republicans are only slightly ‘better’ than Democrats lately, and almost all are part of the problem. All reasons I “immigrated” to Texas. Until we citizens can take back our country, one nation under God, and return to being governed under our Constitution, will we remain a free and just USA.

    • Love to read good books. Amazon is last on my list of sources. Buy used, from addall.com or alibris.com. Virtually new volumes and you’re not financing Bezoes’ war on America.

    • NY is a great place to live. Have you actually been here? Mountains, amazing beaches, city visits for Broadway, Adirondacks…

  8. WhatFinger carries a lot of sites, and I imagine WhatFinger drops sites as well, if they wind up not being
    all they promised in the beginning.

    Site surfing, I found Independent Sentinel, and it seems to be a good news source. Thanks to all the

    BTW, I was stationed at US Coast Guard Group Moritches (the Coasties called it ‘more itches’) 89-91,
    and you are right, LI is full of libs. But, there are good folk there as well. I was blessed by God to
    have found them.

    Thanks again

    fch sends

  9. Sara, I see several stories I researched are on here which I just posted them yesterday. I do a good many researches on DC if you would like I can send them to you or you check my page either way. I don’t know anyone that is with you that I am aware of just letting you know so you don’t miss out. Glad you are working on getting the truth out. SMILES Debbie Aileen

  10. I have a Bachelor’s of Science in Education and a Master’s of Science in Instructional Technology. I was an educator for 26 years and a science tutor for the past 15 years. Your information on the Energy Star program comes from which of your staffers with a science background? 144 countries have signed the Paris Agreement, and T rump is going to try to fulfill his campaign promise to get out of it. Let’s discredit everything we can in the EPA to justify that move. Faux reporting. Sad.

    • I agree – sorry.

      I discovered the Independent Sentinel this morning when I read Joan Swirsky’s brilliant 12/6/16 article “Analyzing Obama’s Treachery.” The comments are closed but I wanted to respond with a few remarks particularly about her conclusion that jealousy is the motive. While I agree that jealousy is a powerful and often animating motivation I do not think that it is operational in the context of Obama’s treachery. Obama’s motive is far more disguised and far more sinister. When Obama promised hope and change most Americans had no idea that he is a pro-Muslim globalist, an internationalist who believes in one-world government. Obama deliberately used ambiguous words that are open to interpretation. Americans applied their own ideas of hope and change – colloquial notions of a better safer life.

      I truly believe that the civilized mind has great difficulty processing the deliberate destruction envisioned by the globalists seeking one-world government. It is truly diabolical in its intent. As an American Jew I was raised to identify the evils of Nazism and the incomparable savagery of the concentration camps. It has been extremely disillusioning and disturbing to me to realize that the Nazis were not an anomaly – that there are many powerful forces intent on the same kind of destruction that have the same incomprehensible lack of respect for life.

      I was an English major in college and minored in psychology and philosophy. I have been reading Bertrand Russell again and am more shocked now by the extraordinary arrogance of the globalist elite’s self-serving solution to the Malthusian theory (Earth’s population growth is unsustainable) – a one-world government that will eliminate the useless eaters! Their one-world government is a binary socio-political system with a ruling class of elites and an enslaved population who serve them. There is no middle class, no upward mobility, no national sovereignty, and no individual freedoms. Russell described this solution in 1952 and was extremely accurate in predicting the world population increasing from 4 billion to 7 billion. In today’s world population of 7.5 billion the useless eaters (the underclass) are joined by the middle class (independent-minded) that must be destroyed to achieve a dependent society, and the Islamists (useful jihadists) who will be the globalist’s final enemy.

      Israel is the existential enemy of globalist one-world government in the Middle East. She stands as the enemy to Islamist aspirations for establishment of the caliphate and imposition of sharia law world wide, and she stands as the enemy to secular one-world government globalist elites. Israel is one-world government’s consummate enemy which is why the whole world is arrayed against her and why it is so easy to manipulate the useless idiots (secular or religious) into hating and boycotting her. Israel’s most powerful weapon against all that is against her is her insistence on living in objective reality where facts and evidence define reality. Islamists and the left-wing liberal lemmings who follow Barack Obama and Israel’s liberal left are easily manipulated and can be defeated because they live in subjective reality.

      The globalist elite dream of a secular one-world government is parallel to and in opposition to the Islamist dream of a religious one-world government/caliphate ruled by sharia law. The secular globalist elite believe they will prevail in a final contest because according to Bertrand Russell the society that has science on its side will necessarily win – the Islamists produce nothing but hate – no weapons and no industry so they cannot resupply. The Islamists are the useful idiots for the secular globalists because they bring the social chaos necessary to transform Western capitalist societies into socialist societies to prepare them for one-world government. The secular globalist elites need suicidal open border policies importing mass populations with hostile cultural norms to collapse the economies and create overwhelming chaos fear and anxiety in host populations. It is the fear that will motivate free populations to surrender their freedoms to the state – and the globalists will happily impose a police state just before they internationalize the police force and impose one-world government. It is a monstrous strategy that will ultimately result in the dystopian nightmare of a very small ruling elite with the rest of society enslaved.

      I graduated from the University of Michigan in the 60’s and the hippies and anarchists that were my classmates did not go silently into the night. They have reconstituted themselves as the professors and administrators at American universities and are propagandizing a generation of unsuspecting youth. The useful idiots that they graduate will help the globalist elites (left-wing liberal lemmings) or they will help the Islamists (apologists for Islam) – in either case they have no clue that they are being duped and are participating in their own destruction. Connecting these dots has been a very painful experience – I write editorials in hopes of consciousness raising to inform a deliberately disinformed public. Donald Trump, like Israel, demands objective reality which is why he is an existential threat to the dreams of both secular and religious one-world government globalists – and I believe that is the motive for treachery.

      • You are so right about Obama that it is beyond comprehension how so many Left of Center Democrats actually failed to see what he truly was. To this day they still consider his ‘reign’ as being a great exercise in democracy, when in fact – he was doing his level best to destroy the USA.

        The mind-set of the LEFT’s lemmings appears to be saddled with a malignant desire to purposely not know the truth. It’s one reason why they want the government to have total control of the education system.

        Government which governs least is the most effective government.

        There is no JUSTICE – without ‘ICE’.

      • April 7, 2023 Just found your magnificent article dated May 7, 2017 11:38 am “Analysing Obamas’ Treachery. Today I thank discovered discovered and subscribed to the publication Independent Sentinel from an article published by the Malone Institute. Your detailed messaging remains increasingly relevant and urgently urgently needed in 2023 as it was in 2017. I am convinced millions would be inspired by your powerful statements. I am unable to copy or print a copy of you document and would deeply appreciate permission to refer and forward its entirety on Public Social Platforms wherever possible. Such information must be repeatedly published to educate and re-educate the citizen’s of North America. We who are not ‘Useful Idiot’s (Stalin’s comment) must do what we can regardless of reactions. Chuck Schumer invoked the verb “Resist” which continues to be the modus operandi the Progressives’ vigorously pursue which is reciprocal. Resist the Progressive Socialist-Democrat’s from further advancing their Marxist-Leninist dogma committed to the obliteration of Democracy. Adonai YHWH.

  11. I discovered the Independent Sentinel this morning when I read Joan Swirsky’s brilliant 12/6/16 article “Analyzing Obama’s Treachery.” The comments are closed but I wanted to respond with a few remarks particularly about her conclusion that jealousy is the motive. While I agree that jealousy is a powerful and often animating motivation I do not think that it is operational in the context of Obama’s treachery. Obama’s motive is far more disguised and far more sinister. When Obama promised hope and change most Americans had no idea that he is a pro-Muslim globalist, an internationalist who believes in one-world government. Obama deliberately used ambiguous words that are open to interpretation. Americans applied their own ideas of hope and change – colloquial notions of a better safer life. I truly believe that the civilized mind has great difficulty processing the deliberate destruction envisioned by the globalists seeking one-world government. It is truly diabolical in its intent. As an American Jew I was raised to identify the evils of Nazism and the incomparable savagery of the concentration camps. It has been extremely disillusioning and disturbing to me to realize that the Nazis were not an anomaly – that there are many powerful forces intent on the same kind of destruction that have the same incomprehensible lack of respect for life.
    I was an English major in college and minored in psychology and philosophy. I have been reading Bertrand Russell again and am more shocked now by the extraordinary arrogance of the globalist elite’s self-serving solution to the Malthusian theory (Earth’s population growth is unsustainable) – a one-world government that will eliminate the useless eaters! Their one-world government is a binary socio-political system with a ruling class of elites and an enslaved population who serve them. There is no middle class, no upward mobility, no national sovereignty, and no individual freedoms. Russell described this solution in 1952 and was extremely accurate in predicting the world population increasing from 4 billion to 7 billion. In today’s world population of 7.5 billion the useless eaters (the underclass) are joined by the middle class (independent-minded) that must be destroyed to achieve a dependent society, and the Islamists (useful jihadists) who will be the globalist’s final enemy. Israel is the existential enemy of globalist one-world government in the Middle East. She stands as the enemy to Islamist aspirations for establishment of the caliphate and imposition of sharia law world wide, and she stands as the enemy to secular one-world government globalist elites. Israel is one-world government’s consummate enemy which is why the whole world is arrayed against her and why it is so easy to manipulate the useless idiots (secular or religious) into hating and boycotting her. Israel’s most powerful weapon against all that is against her is her insistence on living in objective reality where facts and evidence define reality. Islamists and the left-wing liberal lemmings who follow Barack Obama and Israel’s liberal left are easily manipulated and can be defeated because they live in subjective reality. The globalist elite dream of a secular one-world government is parallel to and in opposition to the Islamist dream of a religious one-world government/caliphate ruled by sharia law. The secular globalist elite believe they will prevail in a final contest because according to Bertrand Russell the society that has science on its side will necessarily win – the Islamists produce nothing but hate – no weapons and no industry so they cannot resupply. The Islamists are the useful idiots for the secular globalists because they bring the social chaos necessary to transform Western capitalist societies into socialist societies to prepare them for one-world government. The secular globalist elites need suicidal open border policies importing mass populations with hostile cultural norms to collapse the economies and create overwhelming chaos fear and anxiety in host populations. It is the fear that will motivate free populations to surrender their freedoms to the state – and the globalists will happily impose a police state just before they internationalize the police force and impose one-world government. It is a monstrous strategy that will ultimately result in the dystopian nightmare of a very small ruling elite with the rest of society enslaved. I graduated from the University of Michigan in the 60’s and the hippies and anarchists that were my classmates did not go silently into the night. They have reconstituted themselves as the professors and administrators at American universities and are propagandizing a generation of unsuspecting youth. The useful idiots that they graduate will help the globalist elites (left-wing liberal lemmings) or they will help the Islamists (apologists for Islam) – in either case they have no clue that they are being duped and are participating in their own destruction. Connecting these dots has been a very painful experience – I write editorials in hopes of consciousness raising to inform a deliberately disinformed public. Donald Trump, like Israel, demands objective reality which is why he is an existential threat to the dreams of both secular and religious one-world government globalists – and I believe that is the motive for treachery.

  12. Sara (Maura),

    Good stuff on Newt. I could write a book on him.

    I’ve written for decades, comment to the NYT regularly, but never submit any of many thousands of pages I’ve witten over the decades. I retired out of Iraq, and I’m enjoying the quiet of my rural Sonoran ranchito.

    Feel free to look at my little blog here in Sonora.
    You just might like it.

    Like you, I took a (long) turn from left to right, as you have. Yet unlike you, I carried the liberal albatross for nearly all my 68 years, so the catharsis was intense after the separation. Better late than never, Sara. I’ll be looking for you to get better each day. I see a great gal doing great things in an America that needs far more intelligent young women who think like you.

    I’ll just post below the letter I just wrote to David Brooks at the NYT. Best to you, George Heiner


    David, in 1500 characters, I’ll not attempt to take you to task for all you write here. My wife thinks you wear great ties (and I agree) in your wholesome appearances on the PBS News Hour, and I must keep this short.

    You too readily characterize a typical Trump voter as “undereducated”. The picture in the story is surely placed there to convey that impression.

    You hang with the Friedmanians, that strange class of Flat Earth Thinkers (and Obama is among them) who see the world from the skewed perspective of Tom Friedman’s books, notably “The World Is Flat”, and “Hot, Flat, and Crowded.” These books are a staple, even a bible, for New York Times readers. Frankly, the ten year intellectual turn towards Flat Earth thinking turns my stomach.

    I can assure you I would feel more comfortable at a Trump rally than in the confines of a reunion of a few of my elite prep school classes, which include a previous DNI for President Obama, a CNN host, a famous singer songwriter, a (deceased) Chief Curator at the Museum of Modern Art, and too many others to mention. Many of my classmates have fallen into the same intellectual crevice that defines, among all else, their Flat Screen perspective of Trumps’ voters.

    Education has nothing whatsoever to do with my support for Donald Trump, and your premise – really, your presumption – that it does so undermines everything else you say, both to me and so many others who have read you for years. What happened to you, David? I’m disappointed in you.

    • George, surely you didn’t just go by the cover of Thomas Freidman’s books to associate him with a literal view of the earth being a flat surface. Right?? If so, I’m disappointed in you and your pseudo-intellect. It is, after all, a metaphor.

  13. Hi, I’m a bit of an upstart with a Constitution blog on theshiningsea.org

    I went out of my normal turf/lane/lines to make a political video for Super Tuesday and the constitutional implications of Cruz, Rubio. . .and yes, even Donald Trump being nominated–a perspective you won’t find anywhere else. Would you please consider posting my post or video within the next 36 hours before Super Tuesday voting closes? Thanks!


    Just the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMTcKfjk47M

    Video Post: http://theshiningsea.org/2016/02/29/super-tuesday-states-the-citizen-statesmen-constitution-imperative/


    • If that’s what you took out of the article, then you don’t know how to read. Reagan “prepared” for his meeting with Gorbachev by learning about and working to defeat communism beginning in the late 1940s, when he was president of the Screen Actors Guild, continuing thru his years in Hollywood, and thru his tenure as governor of California.He was the most prepared person to deal with the Soviet Union than any other candidate in the country, in terms of temperament, knowledge, understanding, and competence.

  14. What the hell are you doing in Texas? Leave that cesspool and come south honey. Texas is number 1 and may one day be the Republic of Texas, Florida is number 2, but all the states south of the Mason Dixon line are places where common sense still exist.


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