Missouri AG: Fire School Officials Over ‘Shameful’ Adult Drag Show


Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey called for the resignation or firing of school officials aware of a drag queen breakfast attended by middle schoolers that allegedly went on without parents’ consent. Nclusion, an LGBTQIA+ organization, put on the performance.

“I am calling for the resignation and-or termination of any school official who knew that they would be subjecting children to this adult-themed drag show without parental consent,” Bailey wrote in a Monday tweet, Fox reports.

The tweet highlighted an interview from KCMO Talk Radio, where Bailey said all legal options need to “remain on the table.” To restore public trust, he added school officials who knew or had an “affirmative duty” to know about the nature of the drag show should be removed and were either “willfully negligent” or “purposefully concealed” information from parents.

“I’m calling on school boards and superintendents throughout the state to adopt resolution or a public position that drag shows have no place in curriculum in students’ education,” Bailey said. “That needs to happen as well to demonstrate the absurdity of the Columbia Public School (CPS) action and to ensure it doesn’t happen elsewhere in our state.”


Suggestive cross-dressing performances are part of the LGBTQIA+ Gender Ideology and CRT transformation flying under the banner of inclusivity and diversity. Nclusion performances that include invites to the Columbia School district, have gone on in Missouri since 2014. The ideology really took off during the George Floyd riots, claiming falsely that it is anti-racist, and anti-homophobia.

CRT has a new name you need to know to avoid confusion. It’s called DEI, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and it is Marxist-based.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a Marxist mechanism for undermining western traditions and civilization, overthrowing equality by enforcing conformity of thought and uniformity of results. It’s damaging our universities and it’s now incrementally taking over our PK-12 systems.

Their mission is DEI or CRTish of which gender ideology is key:

Nclusion describes their mission on their website:

Nclusion+ Mission

Nclusion+ Club is a social club & lifestyle production company that provides a safe and valuable place for members to feel at home and be connected to fellow members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

They’re pushing a lifestyle, not drag queens.

Screenshot from Nclusion mission video

We always had gender confusion and transgenders but now we have a whole new entity meant to pervert the culture and ensnare a lot of children. It’s the fentanyl of gender and sex.

Drag performers were called transvestites pre-Obama, but now they say they are really trans or gender fluids or one of any of the many invented genders that do not exist.


When parents contacted the school board president, David Seaman, he dismissed their concerns. He said it’s a typical diversity breakfast by Nclusion, and they typically invite students. He told them to talk to the City Council or City Manager.

The fearless Libs of TikTok contacted them and got the same response.

Brandon Banks, marketing director for NclusionPlus, the performance group that hosted the event, defended the event, calling it “high-brow and innocent.”

About 30 middle school students attended, but the permission slip didn’t explain what the event included – not a word.

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