Philly Nutjobs Win so They Riot, Set Fires, Break Windows, Overturn Cars


Philadelphia Eagles fans rioted across Philadelphia City to celebrate the Eagles winning because this is who we are now. They destroyed cars, street lights, shops and overturned some cars, but hey, no one was shot.

Most rioters were white but plenty were black. Twitter demons who seek to divide say it’s white privilege.

No demons of the divide, it’s out of control youth.

About 5 were arrested. In the interest of fairness, 6 disappointed Patriots fans were arrested and 12 injured at University of Massachusetts Amherst last night.

Here are some nice memories from the mindless youth who think destroying private property is a form of partying.

Stephanie Farr is a culture reporter for The Philadelphia Enquirer.


Let’s hope they don’t win again anytime soon. In this next clip, watch the loons stomping on the awning of the elegant hotel until it crashes.

Destroying lamp posts.

Finishing off the lamp post.

The idiot lamp post victors carry off their prizes.

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