President Comes Up With 9th Circuit Nominees, Puts Down Rebellion


President Trump quickly responded to an avalanche of concerns that he was working with Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris on judicial appointments. He had withdrawn the names of three conservative judges for the Ninth Circuit and was said to be considering appointing some Progressive judges.

There was a rebellion brewing among conservatives.

He is putting that to rest for now with a new list. He submitted a list of nominees for the Ninth Circuit and four picks for district judgeships in California. The White House has re-submitted the names of Daniel Collins and Kenneth Lee to the Ninth U.S. Circuit of Appeals, the far-left court that oversees the West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii.

He submitted a third name for the Ninth Circuit, Daniel A. Bress, a rising star.

The White House did concede one to the Democrats. He demoted Patrick Bumatay from a Ninth Circuit pick to a district court seat instead of the 9th Circuit.

The president also nominated Mark C. Scarsi, Jeremy B. Rosen and Stanley Blumenfeld to judgeships in the Central District of California.


Senators Feinstein and Harris are very disappointed in the Ninth Circuit nominees and that can only be good for the Constitution. They wanted more say and it looked like they were going to get it.

In a letter sent to the White House in November, the two suggested names they would be willing to accept for the three circuit court seats designated for Californians. They named two Progressives and said a third would be agreed upon.

Feinstein and Harris said the White House had struck a similar deal with Democratic Sens. Richard J. Durbin and Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, where the senators got to pick one judge and Mr. Trump got to pick one judge to fill a couple of vacancies on an appeals court.

“For the Ninth Circuit where there are three vacancies, this would involve our selecting a candidate form the White House list; the White House selecting a candidate form our list for the Ninth Circuit; and further discussions on a third nominee that both parties would agree on,” the letter added.

A close ally of Trump’s Georgia Senator David Perdue said he would try to scuttle any deal-making. It appears scuttled.

The Ninth Circuit has been very far-left, not simply liberal, in their decisions. There are six vacancies right now that could reshape the court for years to come. Republicans do not want any of those seats given away in a deal.

Getting the California judges confirmed will pit Trump against Dianne Feinstein who wants him to defer to the home state choices.

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