Sen. Warren’s DNA Proves She’s Probably Mexican, Not Native-American


Lieawatha Elizabeth Warren took a DNA test and allegedly has a trace amount of Native-American DNA. The tester is a Stanford professor who says the results “strongly support” her claim of Native-American ancestry.

Professor Bustamante compared her samples with those from people in Colombia, Mexico, and Peru rather than Native Americans in the U.S. The Native-Americans don’t give up their DNA.

The Stanford biologist claimed he found a Native American ancestor 6 to 10 generations ago.

Bustamante, however, didn’t compare Warren’s DNA against Native Americans who live in the continental U.S., citing cultural reluctance to submit to DNA tests. Instead, he used recent samples from other countries whose populations presumably share a lineage during human settlement of the Americas about 15,000-25,000 years ago.

HER DNA TEST IS A JOKE! There is Native-American DNA — that’s how I found our Native blood.

She’s just as likely or more likely to be Mexican or Peruvian or Columbian.

Warren wants to be President in 2020 and she’s trying to get this out of the way. In the end, she made it worse. Other Democrats are annoyed she is bringing this losing argument up before the election and the Cherokees are very angry she’s claiming false ancestry. They would like an apology. A DNA test is hardly enough to prove you are a Native-American even if she had appropriate results.

All this brought up her many lies and they are even being discussed by the Cherokees, who are generally Democrats. She told Harvard she was a woman of color and she is obviously a paleface. She is white, period.


Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) told Fox and Friends on Tuesday that he would be taking a DNA test, and that he thinks he can “beat” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Ma.) in terms of the amount of Cherokee heritage that it will show.

“I’ve been told that my grandmother was part Cherokee Indian, it may all be just talk, but you’re gonna find out in a couple of weeks because I’m gonna take this test,” he said.

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