Dr. Malone on the Impact of Transgender Surgeries for Children


Dr. Robert Malone took a look at the surgical and pharmaceutical procedures of transgender interventions, with a specific focus on safety and adverse events. He also took a look at marketing and advertising. as well as on current practices involving marketing and advertising.

You have to go to Dr. Malone’s substack to get the full impact of this. This article is a quick summary.


Patients who suffer from gender dysphoria are at risk of becoming victims of marketing and advertising.

Transgender treatments and surgeries are big business, and the advertising is geared towards children and teens.

“Dr. Malone’s review of the literature leads him to conclude that a faddish belief that one can change their gender – that the gender-related anatomy which is a consequence of one’s genetic make-up (inborn chromosomal complement) – can be readily and safely reversed at will by a combination of surgical and medical intervention – appears to have been based on flawed, biased, irreproducible clinical research.”

He is deeply concerned about the gender “affirmation” surgery, especially “bottom” surgery.

The marketing is trying to normalize these dangerous treatments (hormones, puberty blockers, etc.) and surgeries for youth who are not cognitively and psychologically mature or have mental health issues.

Malone gave an example of the marketing from the website ifunny.io,  which targets the young with unfunny memes.

There are some pretty big corporate names that advertise on ifunny.co. While on the site, Dr. Malone said he clicked an ad that said “OPEN,” and the Crane Center for Transgender Surgery website opened up. Imagine!

Transgender surgery is a big lucrative business that is lobbying the government for more and more transgender legislation, and insurance cost coverage. They use the corporate press and big tech to legitimize surgeries, drugs and hormones that are still experimental and dangerous.


Dr. Malone previously wrote about the Pritzker family, who are among the top ten wealthiest families in the USA. This family is using their vast resources to remake human gender and sexuality. They are using gender ideology to attempt to remake human biology.

The UK and Sweden are now openly talking about the dangers of puberty blockers and transgender surgeries. They’re starting to shut them down. Sadly, the people who want this are coming to the US for it.

This is who we are now. It is pathetic. Thank the Biden Democrats.

James Esses, co-founder of Thoughtful Therapists, said the lawsuits are starting to come into play.

He also said, “Gender dysphoria is a mental health condition and should be treated as such – through explorative therapy, rather than irreversible medication and surgery. Far too many children have been left with physical and emotional scars from decisions we should never have let them make.”


The Crane Surgical Center website. Crane is a prominent medical and surgical clinic for those wishing for such surgeries and procedures. Go to the site and look at the horrendous photos.

Genital Nullification / Nullo

Genital nullification, Nullo, or Eunuch procedures involve removing all external genitalia to create a smooth transition from the abdomen to the groin. In some cases, this involves shortening the urethra. For patients born with a uterus, a hysterectomy is required prior to any genital nullification procedure.

Phalloplasty Overview
  • Phalloplasty* utilizes donor sites from either the radial forearm (RFF), the outside of the thigh (anterolateral thigh – ALT), or the back (musculocutaneous latissimus dorsi – MLD). These flaps heal well with good sensation due to robust blood supply and innervation.
  • “free flap” Phalloplasty. Free flaps, such as the RFF, ALT and MLD require meticulous dissection of arteries, veins, and nerves. Subsequently, after transferring the flap to where the phallus resides, the microscope is used to connect the small blood vessels and sensory nerves to the transferred flap. Like Metoidioplastyurethral lengtheningscrotoplastyand vaginectomy can be performed at the same time.
Once appropriate would healing has been achieved, a penile implant may be inserted into the phallus to allow for penetrative intercourse.
  • Scrotoplasty is the formation of a scrotum using native labial majora tissue. Scrotoplasty can be performed in one or two stages. The resulting scrotum is fused in the midline, anteriorly positioned, and pouch-like.
For those who would prefer a larger scrotum than their native tissue will allow, tissue expansion with delayed Scrotoplasty can be performed.
  • Penile Implant Surgery can be performed about 9 months after Phalloplasty, once optimal wound healing has occurred. It involves inserting a semi-rigid or inflatable penile implant into the phallus. The rigidity of the penile implant allows the patient to achieve penetrative intercourse.
  • Testicular Implant Surgery can be performed in conjunction with Penile Implant Surgery.
  • Vaginoplasty (video link) is a gender-affirming surgical procedure in which male genitalia is reconstructed into female genitalia, complete with a vaginal vault, labia and a clitoris. Recovered photos (these are graphic).
  • Penile Inversion Vaginoplastyis the most commonly performed type of MTF Vaginoplasty. The testicles are removed (Orchiectomy) and the scrotal skin is used to make labia majora (Labiaplasty). The nerves to the sensitive glans penis and the corresponding skin is preserved and used to make a clitoris. The skin of the penis and, in most cases, skin grafts from the scrotum are used to make a vaginal vault. The urethra is shortened and placed in the female position. Sensitive urethral mucosa is placed in between the labia minora.

Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty is typically a one-stage procedure, however, occasionally secondary procedures are preferred to maximize the aesthetic appearance of the vulva.

  • Robotic-Assisted Peritoneal Flap Vaginoplasty has several names: Davydov vaginoplasty and peritoneal pull-through are the best-known alternative terms. The peritoneum is the inside lining of the abdomen. Through several small incisions on the abdomen, robotic-assisted laparoscopy is performed to rearrange the peritoneum in the pelvis. This will create the inside half of the vaginal canal. The remainder of the vaginoplasty is a standard penile inversion vaginoplasty.

Permanent hair removal is required on the genital area prior to surgery.

There is much more but you get the idea. Who in their right mind thinks this is okay to do to a child?


In one example, an article entitled Penile Prosthesis in Transgender Men after Phalloplasty notes that “complications include injury to the urethra, vascular injury, skin breakdown, infection, device migration, device failure, extrusion, and erosion. 

Another study: Penile Prosthesis Placement by a Dedicated Transgender Surgery Unit: A Retrospective Analysis of Complications

Results: There was an overall complication requiring surgery rate of 36% and infection rate of 20% (15/67 for inflatable prostheses and 1/13 for semirigid), with 14% (11/80) experiencing infection requiring removal. Differences in infection rates appeared insignificant across categories of previous surgery or with simultaneous surgery, but we did notice a markedly lower rate for semirigid prostheses compared to inflatable. There was a significant relationship between infection and case number, with the probability of infection decreasing over time. Device loss at 9 months was 21% overall.

If the device “loss” was 20% at nine months, that appears to imply that the failure rate within five years is 100%!

These transgender surgeries require a lifelong commitment to evermore invasive surgeries.

For a good primer on “bottom” surgery complications, go here.

There are many awful symptoms that are permanent. Here are two:

Genitourinary Symptoms– Participants with and without a history of hormone therapy or GGAS reported genitourinary symptoms. Common genitourinary issues reported by both groups included urge incontinence, stress incontinence, urinary retention, and recurrent urinary tract and prostate infections. Spraying of urine, dysuria, and varicoceles were also noted. Several patients were frustrated that they had to learn about urinary side effects from hormone therapy (ie, spironolactone) through their own research and experience rather than through education from a provider. Participants who had undergone gender-reaffirming surgical intervention reported urethral strictures and external scar tissue restricting urine outflow, loss of sensation, and chronic pain in the genital region as post-procedure symptoms.

Sexual Symptoms – Participants with and without a history of hormone therapy or GGAS reported sexual symptoms. Respondents described both their penis or vagina as being important for sexual function. Most participants, regardless of whether treated with hormone therapy, reported symptoms of lowered libido, anorgasmia, and erectile dysfunction. Pain in the genital and perineal region during sexual encounters and delayed ejaculation were common issues encountered by participants who did undergo hormone therapy or GGAS. In addition, several participants reported seeking psychological care due to distress from inadequate sexual performance.

There is much more at Robert Malone’s substack. Go there and read it. He includes the current research. This is horrific, and the surgeons and advertisers applauding it are making a lot of money.

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