Two White City Leftists Rage Against “White Rural Rage”


Nothing says “white rural rage” like two leftist, anti-Christian, class-warfare white guys writing a book about it.

Two white guys, Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman, wrote a book about so-called “white rural rage.”

Their book is White Rural Rage, The Threat to Democracy, as they threaten democracy with a hateful book stereotyping everyone who lives in a rural area because they might vote for Trump.

They discussed their book on Morning Joe with Mika Brzezinski.

Mika said she can’t understand why rural voters in Scranton would vote for Trump since Scranton Joe has more in common with them. She must have been drunk to think Scranton is rural. Has she never seen a farm?

Leftist Hate on Display and in a Book

She asked these two numbnuts to “lay out the fourfold interconnected threat white rural voters pose to the country.”

“First of all. and we show 30 polls in national studies to demonstrate this. We provide the receipts in chapter 6. They’re the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant. anti-gay demographic group in the country.

“Second, the most conspiracist group Q Anon supports and subscribes to election denialism, COVID denialism is scientific skepticism, Obama birtherism.

“Third, anti-democratic sentiments. They don’t believe in an independent press and free speech. They’re most likely to say the president should be able to act unilaterally without any checks from Congress, or the courts or the bureaucracy. They’re also the most strongly white nationalist and white Christian nationalists.

“Fourth, they’re most likely to excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful public dissent.”

Uh, no.

I’m not reading the book because I can imagine it’s hate-filled. One commenter on X said it’s “porn for rich, white liberals.” These two are arrogant, and people in their echo chambers undoubtedly predetermined their research or so-called receipts with little self-awareness.

These white liberals are condescending haters of Middle America as if they are somehow superior. They’re racist fearmongers who see themselves as smarter, better educated, creators of wealth subsidizing the people who are beneath them so why don’t the inferiors just shut the Hell up and let us, the superior ones, control it all.

It’s class warfare at its finest.

These so-called educated beings have devastated the small towns of America, enriching globalists and propagandists like them. With all their education, they never learned we’re not a democracy.

We can be sure that they like their army of leftist crazies who burn down buildings and attack police with bricks and bottles.

This is educated America?

Now, we know how Democrats feel! Vote Trump!!!

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