Adam Schiff Recommends Sedition to the Intel Community


Adam Schiff, capitalizing on the weaponized charges against Donald Trump, said, “We’ve never had a situation where one of the candidates for president has been so criminally negligent when it comes to handling — if not worse — when it comes to handling classified information.”

“So I have to hope, and knowing the intelligence community as I do, that they will dumb down the briefing for Donald Trump. That is, they will give him no more information than absolutely necessary, nothing that would reveal sources or methods because we can’t trust that he will do the right thing with that information.”

“He’s been so reckless. So, yes, it does concern me. It is part of a long tradition. They will be wary of what they share with him, and they should.”

Schiff is a congenital liar. Donald Trump had the right to the documents.

Tom Fitton wrote on X: Adam Schiff proposes sedition and election interference by Biden-controlled intelligence agencies.

Mr. Fitton linked to a 2020 article about the court allowing Schiff to hide subpoenas for phone records to spy on Donald Trump and his allies.

Imagine if the situation was reversed, and Republicans suggested the Oval Office dementia patient should not get briefings since he has stolen documents in the past illegally and strewn them about in closets, his garage, and a storage unit in Chinatown. The Republicans would be charged with sedition and election interference.

Biden, as senator and later vice president, had no right to the documents, but Donald Trump did as president.

Schiff lied non-stop about Russiagate and led the Ukraine impeachment hoax. He is without any core principles.

His nickname, Shifty Schiff, is appropriate.

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