Rep. Adam Schiff is a notorious leaker by all accounts. His House Intelligence Committee members noticed that every time he leaves the room, the media mysteriously finds out what is going on in the room.
Don’t expect Schiff to agree to release the FISA abuse memo however.
The 4-page FISA abuse memo compiled from evidence by Devin Nunes, the committee chair, is shocking members of the House – Republican members – 130 Republicans and counting. Democrats won’t read it. Ignorance is bliss. They want to keep the public ignorant as well. Schiff thinks we’re too dumb to understand it.
Schiff and all the Democrats do NOT want it released.
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Schiff is distracting with non sequiturs and trying to justify not releasing it. For one thing, he is jumping on a false narrative that the memo is somehow tied to Russian bots. A left-wing organization claims Russian trolls are retweeting the #ReleaseTheMemo, giving Schiff a superfluous reason to shut down the release of the memo.
Even if they are, what does that have to do with anything? The bots retweet everything that will cause disarray.
If it is a meaningless memo, release it.
It’s not that simple because Adam Schiff has another reason for not releasing it. He says Americans won’t understand it. He thinks we’re all too dumb you see.
Schiff’s very concerned about the reputation of the guys at the top who might be corrupt. It’s so nice to know that Democrats finally care about law enforcement but it took Russians to make them care. Republicans aren’t criticizing the agents, they’re concerned about corruption among the lawyers at the top.
He is also not telling the truth about Republicans not wanting the underlying materials released. Read this Republican congressman’s tweet.
3 Great Americans: @RepDevinNunes @TGowdySC @RepGoodlatte having meetings to responsibly plan next steps w regards to shocking #FISAmemo. I’m calling to #ReleaseTheMemo & all of the relevant sourced material. #ReleaseTheFile
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) January 20, 2018