AI is here and it will allegedly eliminate or improve many well-paying white collar jobs, not just blue collar.
AI will be smarter than humans, and can greatly enhance our way of life, but not without pain. It will lack morality and humanity for now.
If you’re like me and prefer people-to-people interaction, you won’t like this. The other problem is AI can be dangerous. It will be a perfect way to brainwash the masses.
Some of the jobs that will allegedly be affected – transformed or replaced – are listed below. Hopefully, AI will improve society and be used responsibly.
Zero Hedge shared the infographic from Visual Capitalist.
The following comes from a report linked below. The study was conducted by Ed Felten (Princeton), Manav Raj (University of Pennsylvania), and Robert Seamans (New York University).
The Importance of Prayer: How a Christian Gold Company Stands Out by Defending Americans’ Retirement
Get the full report here
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