The new communications director Anthony Scaramucci appears to believe Reince Preibus is behind the White House leaks. Three of Priebus’s staff are out, two were accused of leaks and one accused leaker left this week.
Scaramucci wants to rid the White House of leakers and appears to suspect Chief of Staff Reince Priebus or perhaps he is after Priebus’s job.
Some in the media say Scaramucci wants the FBI to go after Priebus but Scaramucci denies it. National Journal’s Ryan Lizza said Mooch or Scaramucci has already reported Priebus to the FBI.
.@RyanLizza reports on CNN that Mooch already contacted the FBI about Reince // not just a threat (as he said in Tweet)
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) July 27, 2017
Scaramucci was angry this week about his financial disclosures being released early by Politico and suggested in a tweet that Priebus was responsible.
The disclosures included information about Mooch’s stake in SkyBridge Capital, a Chinese conglomerate, an investment that Priebus used to keep him out of the White House the first time. Mooch will be divested in August, his official start date.
The reporter who published the information said she got the disclosures, which are public information, from the EX-Im Bank. Scaramucci worked at the bank.
“My source for @Scaramucci financials was Ex-Im Bank. Period,” reporter Lorraine Woellert wrote.
The tweet sent by Scaramucci is now deleted but here it is:
He also said the following after the tweet:
“When I put out a tweet and I put Reince’s name in the tweet, they’re all making the assumption that it’s him, because journalists know who the leakers are,” Scaramucci said. “If Reince wants to explain he’s not a leaker, let him do that.”
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He continued: “But let me tell you about myself. I’m a straight shooter and I’ll go right to the heart of the matter.”
“If you want to talk about the chief of staff, we have had odds, we have had differences,” he said. “When I said we were brothers from the podium, that’s because we’re rough on each other. Some brothers are like Cain and Abel. Other brothers can fight with each other and get along. I don’t know if this is repairable or not. That will be up to the president.”
Scaramucci said he wasn’t indicting Priebus.
Wrong! Tweet was public notice to leakers that all Sr Adm officials are helping to end illegal leaks. @Reince45
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) July 27, 2017
Mooch also responded to Axios and Lizza snd others in the mainstream know who is leaking,